San Francisco (Part One)

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Tom drove the truck up to the house. You were just barely conscious in the front seat, your breath shallow and unsteady.

Your wounds hurt, badly. The pendant dangling around your neck felt like it was suffocating you without even severely coiling around your neck. In fact, it was loosely looped once around it. So why..? Longclaw said it would HELP you, not HARM you... would it? No no... she said 'I would need it,' not if it was 'good' or 'bad.' You thought.

Though, you were probably nowhere near the amount of pain that Sonic was feeling deep in his slumber, though.

He still hasn't woken up. It filled you with grief to look back and not meet the bold, lively green eyes of your friend, and instead greet his sedate, slumbering form. All that you could really use to identify him as alive was the slow rise and fall of his chest and the occasional incoherent mumbling. Not like you could make out what he was saying, however.

As Tom parked the truck, he ran around the back frantically and tugged open the back door. He gingerly tucked Sonic away in a blanket and picked him up, shutting the same door. He opened it for you and helped you get out, though you were really woozy. You should've easily recovered by now. Whatever was keeping you from recovering was a shrouded mystery.

Tom ran up the stairs to the door and knocked on it in a hurry. You could tell he was desperate to get help for Sonic. It was kind of cute, actually, that he cared for the little blue devil and his safety. But that was your job, wasn't it? Were you failing Longclaw by letting someone else do your job for you? That's stupid. Sonic's fine... right? He'll be okay. He's fine. He'll wake up, we'll go to the building, get the rings, go to the mushroom planet, and live happily ever after! You thought, a bit lightheaded. ...Right?

A woman you've never seen before answered the door, but immediately started yelling at Tom to leave. He yelled back, trying to catch the attention of someone else inside was your best guess. You wriggled your way up the stairs to join Tom at his side, heaving. It felt like you were dying right there. Your limbs were weighing you down. Maybe if you could just... lay down... and take a long nap...

No! Gotta keep going... for Sonic! Eventually, you made it up all the stairs, and a little burst of energy led you on.

"Little lord baby JESUS. What is that, Tom?" You could hear as you snuck behind the cop— the door was still open, to your relief. As you heard the woman, You froze; did she see you? "Is it plutonium—? Is it e-mails?" She was pointing to the bundle of blankets in Tom's arms, thankfully. Wait, that's Sonic! Does she see him? Ohhh, I need to stop worrying so much.

"Yes, it's plutonium— Maddie, can we just—!"

The Wachowski dog came strutting over and noticed the bundle of blankets in the cop's arms, barking at it ferociously. "Ozzy! Stop it!" He snapped at the dog, but it persisted. You shrunk back, you would prefer to not get viciously mauled by a dog today.

Ozzy didn't take no for an answer and began to grab onto the blanket to yank it off as the lady was rambling again. Then another lady consoled her—Pretzel Lady? What was Pretzel Lady doing here?

When Ozzy successfully pulled the blanket off, Sonic was revealed. He was still unconscious with soft breathing. The lady you didn't recognize froze immediately and wheezed, "Catch me, Jojo." Before collapsing in an unconscious heap on the floor.

"Oh, thank god." Tom said. Pretzel Lady grabbed the little girl (who you suspected was Jojo) and pulled her closer to her.

You took a deep breath and revealed yourself from behind him, your head barely making it past the cop's knees.

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