Chapter 2 - Drake

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Chapter 2 – Charlottes Point of View 

I could feel myself starting to sweat, lifting my head up I looked around the car and finally I could start to see the carpark in front of the building. Dad lost it after the car broke down, punching the steering wheel and screaming until he hurt his wrist. I didn't want to see the rest of it so I put the car in neutral and started to push.

"Scooch over, let me help"

My hands left the car as I saw the suit, "T-thanks," I told him as he grunted moving the car on his own, his fancy looking loafers grinding with the pressure on the street. Joined beside him we gained a bit more speed as the road sloped ever so slightly.

"How far?" the suited man asked me over the New York traffic noises and aggressive honks, we lowered our heads as the road tilted up and I caught sight of his expensive looking loafers again and his strange looking three quarter trousers that revealed a bit too much of his ankle.

"This parking lot coming up here, thank you."

"You a Kiwi?"

Charlotte smirked retracting a scoff "No, Australian. Please don't say shrimp on the Barbie."

The suit chuckled "you beat me to it, I must be getting predictable. I'm Drake Kensington." He offered his hand and humorously lent up against the car as he shook my hand in his.

"Nice to meet you" I smiled politely, "I'm Charlotte Thomas."

"Here we go, push, push, push, push" Drake groaned as we ran up the entrance of the carpark, Dad turned into the nearest carpark and I chuckled nervously as Drake patted my back while I tried to repress my deep pants.

"Thanks mate for the hand." Dad called out from the driver seat, Drake gave me a kind smile as he fixed his already styled hair before he went to talk to Dad. Out of earshot at the tail-end of the car I collected myself and checked my hair and makeup on my iPhone camera. Taming a few loose stands I noticed I only had 10 minutes, I motioned at Dad that I had to go and he and Drake waved me goodbye.

Instantly I got a wave of dread as I saw the line almost out the door.

Dresses and crop tops...

I was so not wearing the right stuff.

My face heated and I felt like I wanted to cry. I knew I was going to look like an idiot being here.

I could barely see the large glass windows that revealed a large polished floored room, girls were practising their walks everywhere and they looked really good. It intimidated the shit of me how confident their faces looked. Like they've done it a million times before.

Adjusting my glasses I almost whimpered as I sighed, the lady in front of me gave me a look. Turning around I looked out at Dad's car.

Charlotte: Dad I don't think this was a good idea

I watched him drop the bonnet down and check his phone.

Dad: You have to try Charlotte. You are the most reliable girl I know. Anytime I need you to do something you put your 100% into it, you can use that amazing trait you have right now. You're a strong women

Biting my lip I slowly turned back around.

30 minutes later...

I was close enough to hear the muffled voices coming from inside the large room, I made note of what door to go through after their interview was over. I remembered step by step what each girl was made to do.

Seemingly make an introduction.

Pose for photos.

Do the walk thing.

Answer some questions.

Then walk out the door to the left.

"Next!" a woman with large circular glasses yelled out to us before quickly going back inside.

"Go that's you!" a girl behind me shoved me forward, frowning I pushed the bar on the door in like the girls before me.

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