Chapter 21 - Aftermath

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"Move-" Charlotte sobbed as she pushed through the crowd, the cab driver took her arm for a moment to keep her from the traumatic scene but he was no match for her. Running after the paramedic Charlotte insisted on getting in the ambulance with them.


"I am Lucinda's girlfriend. You. Will. Take. Me. I'm not leaving her." Charlotte's deadly determination and focus on the gurney deterred them from arguing with her and the doors snapped shut. Charlotte's breaths came faster in panic as the laceration over Lucinda's head became more visible to her, seeing muscle and bone through all the blood that covered her skin down to her chest now. Charlotte's stronghold never left Lucinda's limp hand. All the way down the rushing hospital hallways the separation was almost impossible for Charlotte to exempt, she wouldn't have let go if they hadn't said the deafening words.

We're losing her...

At that moment Charlotte realized how much Lucinda meant to her. At that moment Charlotte watched Lucinda disappear, and for the first time in her life, she prayed. She prayed Lucinda's god would hear her, she prayed that God would help his devoted Lucinda. The idea of Lucinda disappearing forever frightened Charlotte beyond comprehension and regret flooded her mind and spirit. There were so many unasked questions.

Charlotte hadn't got to know about Lucinda's life the way she now knew she wanted to. She wanted to meet the people who raised her, see where she grew up, know what she was like as a child, what her fondest memories were, all the things that gave her joy in life, her history, her goals... Charlotte wanted to completely know everything about her and she wanted to know what Lucinda truly felt and thought about her.

Charlotte was terrified of this being the last time she saw Lucinda. Flashes of sickening reflection reminded her of how she acted during their last interaction. She hated herself for not realizing the motorcyclist was Lucinda. The bike and leathers were different but she hated herself for not seeing it was Lucinda.

Thinking if she'd only looked a moment longer or was more polite then maybe Lucinda wouldn't have taken off like a bullet out of a chamber. Maybe if she hadn't been so self-centered she could have spoken to Lucinda at the lights, she clearly wanted to as her touch seemed longing now.

They had gotten so much closer after one whole night and day with each other. Not needing to worry or be paranoid about exposure. Just the two of them together, free to touch, free to talk.

Charlotte kept thinking that it was going to be so easy to talk to Lucinda again. Like she'd just find her in a lounge room and cuddle her without a care.

Hours passed and Charlotte remained to stare at the emergency doors Lucinda was taken through like she had since they had closed. Bethany and Drake talked at her while in her trance, not taking in more than they'd heard about the accident by the media and that they were mad they were not contacted. Beyond that was white noise for Charlotte. Her mind had no interest in anything else until they got news or someone came back for her through those doors.

Approached by a doctor Charlotte stood through the chatter and was the first to be addressed.

"You must be the partner that came with Lucinda. Now I must tell you that she will not be awake until tomorrow but the scariest part is over. We managed her blood loss and the surgeons did a brilliant job on her head-" his almond-shaped eyes held back for a moment bleeding a sympathetic sense, "but we did detect some brain damage, the frontal lobe to be exact-"

"What does that mean for her?!" Drake snapped at the patient young Asian doctor, his irritation snapped to apologetic then started to crumble. His stubbled chin trembled before he grasped it gesturing the doctor to continue.

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