Chapter 30 - Last night in New York

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Dad was doing better.

Going to yoga classes to help with his muscle he had met people that were encouraging him to adventure and work out more. So he was hiking. I could never picture it but the photos he'd shown me revealed a whole side to him I didn't know.

I'd only known him I grew up with, I was a classic daddy's girl and he was my bearded protector. He was bullet-proof and a happy father.

When he lost his job and his marriage crumbled, turning my mum rotten under the financial berdin. Back then I was always scared for him. His depression was soul-sucking. Leaving the house, for anything, was a struggle.  

I hinted at the idea of dating but being my dad he wasn't going to give me a clear idea of what was going on in that part of his life. I'd like to think he was playing the field, I had a feeling mum must be, so why not.

Lucinda had only partially been coming into work due to the media getting hold of the truth between us.

It'd been hell trying to do anything during the day, paparazzi were swooping like vultures.

"Confirm your relationship with Lucinda Volkov!"

"Did she favor you more in the company due to an exchange of sexual favors?"

"Are you lesbian or bi or just gay for pay?"

"Charlotte! Charlotte! Sources have reported that you and the company's events director are in a polyamorous relationship, can you confirm?"

"Lucinda has presented as a devoted member of the Catholic Church, do you think the people of faith will accept her after this?!"

"Will you now be resigning? Rumour has it Miss Volkov is leaving the country-" 

"I just got swammed and they seem to know all this shit. Would she go back to Russia?" I almost puked as he sounded unsure of how to answer.

"You've royally fucked her life up Charlotte."

Going completely silent I ended the call. Numbly leaning forward I gave the driver dad's address. He said to go to him if things got rough...Well, I don't see how they could get any worse than this.


Awkwardly sitting in his living room I kept my eyes down on my mug of coffee as he stared at me.

"Are you going to say something?" I almost pleaded as my voice cracked.

Cupping his hands over his greying bread he sighed heavily running his hands through it, "before it ended..." shaking his head he stood up looking like he was struggling to stay still, "how long have you known?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean!" He groaned as held his head leaning against the wall across from me, "I don't understand. Why would you tell me you had a boyfriend if-"

"I never said, boyfriend!" Looking up at him I felt the weight in my chest compacting and suffercating me, "I said partner, dad. I never said that, you heard that."

"You liked boys, you play with them all the time on that bloody Xbox."

"They're my friends. It's easier to make friends with boys." I spoke and released how true it really was.

"I'm sorry Charlotte I just..." thoughtfully rubbing his beard he came back and sat with me stressing over what to say to me. I knew he'd never want to look down on me or belittle me but I already knew his stance on this issue from what he'd said about gay men in the past.

"I just don't understand it," he told me what I already knew, his mind like a mirrored dictionary, "I'm trying not to say things that are typical of an older male here."

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