Class Act

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"Canterbury! Can I talk to you for a moment?"

I continued walking without looking back. I recognised the voice from yesterday's episode in Principal Bell's office. It was one of the moronic officers---probably Hickory, judging by the deepness of the voice. When I heard the speed of his footsteps increase behind me, I picked up the pace, but I knew I wouldn't be able to reach the safety of the library unless I outright ran---and even then, he would still catch me.

"Canterbury Swayze, you do know that, by law, you're required to cooperate with the police? You're an important witness---our only one. And if you don't cooperate with us, I will have to take you into custody for questioning under the suspicion of murder." He'd stopped chasing after me, and his voice was deadly calm. I froze in my steps. He wouldn't. I'd been virtually cleared of suspicion. He can't.

"Don't make me use force, Canterbury." Even though Officer Hickory said the words as pleasantly as possible, I heard the veiled threat beneath his words. Of course, those idiots wouldn't be able to actually convict me of the murder, considering how I'd nearly fallen victim to Avery and Ette's killer, but they would most likely interrogate me until I broke---until I revealed the mysterious text messages and 'Death'.

Sure, my genius wasn't appreciated by many, but I was still convinced I was meant to do something great. I couldn't very well do that if I'd been murdered by some psycho killer, a---rock?---wielding maniac who seemed absolutely intent on ruining the Liars.

"My mother's picking me up soon," I said, although I knew it was useless. He wouldn't listen to me.

His footsteps were getting closer. "I'm sure we can work something out." He was strolling casually now, obviously knowing he had me cornered. I tugged at my bowtie anxiously. I'd never been a big believer in God, but at that moment, I prayed that some miracle would happen to get this policeman away from me.

Somehow, against all odds, that miracle showed up in a cherry-red Audi.

The loud honk of the nearby car nearly scared me out of my wits---of course, nothing would actually be able to scare me out of my precious wits, but I loved figures of speech. I jumped at least six feet in the air, swivelling around to see Ezra Sawyer sitting in the driver's seat of a red-tinted car with the window rolled down, like some kind of guardian angel ready to save me from Officer Hickory. "Hey, babe!" he called out, waving cheerfully and smiling like the whole world was rooting for him.

"I'm not your---" I started to say, but immediately stopped when he broke his smile for a moment and mouthed Play along. The brilliant grin soon reappeared, coming back as quickly as it had gone.

He turned his head to Officer Hickory. "Do you mind if I take my boyfriend home, Officer? His mother really needs him, like, now."

"I'm sure whatever it is, it can wait," Officer Hickory said, looking quite flustered.

I ignored him. "What is it, darling?" I asked, hoping I was doing a decent job of sounding convincing with the awful pet name. "Officer Hickory really needs to talk to me. Can it wait?" Please say no, please say no, please say no...

Ezra's face fell. He screwed up his nose, suddenly looking on the verge of tears. I was shocked at his acting skills. "I didn't want to be the one to tell you this. Auntie Sara's in the hospital." He sniffled. If he hadn't hissed at me to play along, I would have thought he was actually about to cry. "Your mom's afraid she won't make it."

I gasped---not very convincingly, but hopefully Officer Hickory was as stupid as he seemed. "Grandma's sick?"

"She had a really bad fall." He glanced to the confused-looking policeman behind me. "You see, I'm really close to his grandmother. She approves of our relationship and makes me potato patties on Thursdays---"

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