The Final Showdown

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My heart was a jackhammer on a hard tar road, chipping away at my ribs as I cautiously approached the lake, several officers flanking me from all sides. The silhouettes of a boy and a girl were evident against the golden-streaked backdrop, the setting sun making the lake shimmer red, orange, yellow and pink. Their backs were to us, and for a moment, hope lifted in my chest. Perhaps she would not notice us approaching---perhaps the police would be able to subdue her before any talking was to be carried out.

I had no such luck, of course. The dulcet tones of her voice rang out, commanding and clear. "If any of you come closer, Ezra will immediately kill himself. I requested only Canterbury's presence, so only he is allowed to come near."

Without even glancing at Officer Rhodes' no doubt belligerent expression, I started walking until I was a mere three feet away from the lake. None of the officers made any moves to stop me, even though a few stepped forward. I'd ordered them not to shoot anyone, since this was no ordinary murderer. She had supernatural assistance on her side, and the moment they fired even one bullet, my acquaintance---my friend---my boyfriend---would die.

Once I was just a few inches away from Ezra, Lark Freeman turned her head to look at me, white teeth gleaming wickedly in her pretty face.

"Looks like you did come after all, Canterbury. Does he really mean that much to you?" Her emerald eyes were gleaming the same way they'd been when I'd first seen her staring at me during English, her voice calm and as mellifluous as always. I found it hard to believe that this girl, with her smooth skin and fine features and lithe figure, was the erratic, cold-hearted 'Death'. Still, facts were facts; hard proof stood in front of me in the form of deceiving flesh and blood.

"You blackmailed him into keeping your secret," was all I had to say to her, my throat dry from worry for Ezra.

Lark giggled, pressing a slim hand to her heart-shaped lips. "Of course I did." She reached out, setting a hand on Ezra's shoulder and spinning him around so he was facing me. "If not, he wouldn't have kept his pretty little mouth shut."

My heart wrenched in my chest at the sight in front of me. Ezra seemed to look right through me, eyes the same ebony that had claimed several of the Liars. His gaze was blank, left with no trace of the love that had been rampant in it just this morning. Black, viscuous liquid dripped down his forehead, mingling with his strawberry-blonde hair and dyeing his tanned cheeks charcoal. I felt something bubble up in my chest, all hope breaking at seeing him in this state. "Ezra--" I started, but he did not reply. His empty stare never changed.

I'd earlier thought nothing could hurt me more than ninety-eights on tests, my mother's disappointment, losing my virginity and Ezra's betrayal, but this took pain to a whole new level.

He looked like he didn't even recognise me.

"It was easy picking him up. After your little...fight, it was mere child's play to break through his defences and command him to come here," Lark crowed triumphantly, interrupting my train of thought.

"Why, Lark? Why?" I demanded to know.

She laughed bitterly. "Why? You should ask yourself that question. Or rather, ask Avery Lang." Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Officer Rhodes lunge forward. As he moved, so did Ezra, jerking towards the direction of the lake like a fish on a stick, a helpless dolphin without its tail. I screamed. Lark hissed, whipping around. "Did you really think I wouldn't see you? Pathetic piece of shit," she snarled, curling her lip in disgust at the policeman, who had halted his movements upon noticing Ezra flopping around.

"Lark, stop this nonsense," I commanded, doing my best to embody the person I had once been---the genius who stared down bullies and attempted to educate their pea-sized brains---the boy I'd been before I'd lost my best friend and fallen in love. The slight quiver of my words betrayed my intentions, all optimism fading from my mind as I tore my gaze away from Ezra's black eyes. "We can talk about this diplomatically. No one needs to get hurt."

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