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Laurel grabbed a box of important files from where they sat on a filling cabinet and stumbled a bit as the ground shook with yet another wave from the earthquake. "Get out of here now!" He brain screamed as she stumbled toward the door. Reaching it she stumbled outside.

"Daddy!" She yelled as she dropped the files to the ground and ran into his open and waiting arms.

"Laurel baby." He breathed as he pulled her into a hug.

She heard a loud crash as the building she had just been in collapsed down. She turned to watch as her life's work crumbled to the ground. Suddenly, she heard an all to familiar voice call out her name. "Laurel!"

"Tommy?" She called out as she pulled from her fathers arms. She spotted him a few paces away running towards her.

He reached her and pulled her into a giant hug. "Laurel..." he began. "No. Tommy its okay. I'm sorry too." They stayed in the embrace for what felt like forever before the ground shook again and threw them off balance.

"We need to get out of here. Now!" Her Dad yelled as he began to usher people from the buildings. Laurel felt Tommy reach for her hand as they both ran toward Tommy's car.


Oliver watched his beloved city sink into the ground. He had failed. He felt a few tears slip from his eyes unbidden as he watched the Glades sink into the ground.

He heard the sound of people screaming, and police sirens wailing. He had failed. Suddenly, he heard the crackling of his ear comm. "Oliver?" Felicity asked through it.

Oliver took a deep breath before he answered, "Yes?" "I just wanted to tell you that Laurel and Tommy got out of the Glades okay. Officer Lance isnt far behind them. Thea and Roy made it out alright too." Felicity said.

"Okay. Thank you Felicity." He replied as he jumped off the roof he was standing on. "You can go home now. I'm sure you have family that wants to know you're safe." He said. It was just then that he realized he had no idea if Felicity even had any family. He had never thought to ask. Another thing he had failed.

"Um. Oliver?" Felicity asked again. This time he could here the sound of tears in her voice. "Felicity?" He asked concerned. "Whats wrong? Are you okay?"

"Yeah." He heard her sniff. "I- i'm fine. But Dig... Diggle was going to help someone he called Lyla and he. He hasnt answered the phone." She sobbed. Oliver felt his body go cold. No. Not Diggle.


Diggle ran into the building Lyla was in as fast as his legs could carry him. "Lyla!" He yelled as he ran through it. Another rumble making him loose his footing. "Johnny!" he heard her yell back. He followed the sound of her voice through the rooms until he finally spotted her pinned under a pile of rock.

"Oh Lyla..." he breathed as he sank to his knees next to her and began pulling the rocks off of her. "Fancy meeting you here." She tried to joke but winced in pain as he moved another rock off her midsection.

The building shook again, and they both realized what was about to happen. "Go Johnny." She begged. "I don't want you to die for me."

"I'm not going anywhere." He insisted. Grunting as he tried to pry the biggest rock yet off or her to no avail. "Johnny..." she whispered. "I love you. So much." Diggle stopped, tears in his eyes as he heard the ceiling buckle. "I know. I love you more than anything."

He took her hand as they stared into each others eyes as the building collapsed down around them.


Oliver raced as fast as he could to the building Felicity had said Diggle was at. When he arrived, he was greated by an almost fully collapsed building.

"No. Oh no Diggle no." He breathed as he raced into the still collapsing building.

He found them under a pile of rocks. He began pulling the rocks off of them as fast as he could. The woman, Lyla, he got out first. She was still breathing. He moved on to Diggle. He pulled the last rock off of him and was greeted with a worse sight. A piece of metal was protruding from Diggles chest. Too close to his heart for Olivers liking.

"Diggle?" He breathed. Diggles eyes shot open. "Oliver?" He rasped. "I'm here buddy." Oliver said. Tears slipping from his eyes. "Is Lyla okay?" Diggle asked. Struggling to speak, Oliver replied, "Yeah. She's knocked out. But she's gonna be fine. You are too big guy."

"We both know thats not true man." Diggle said. Tears pouring out of his eyes as well. "Dont say that-" Oliver started before Diggle stopped him. "We both know how this ends. Just, dont blame yourself. Its not your fault man."

Oliver swallowed hard before he said, "Thank you. Thank you John." "No man, thank you." Diggle said. "Take care of Lyla for me." Diggle said, his eyes closing.

"Diggle!?" Oliver cried. Diggle's head dropped down limp. Oliver cought it in his hands as he sobbed. "John!? Open your eyes Diggle!" He rocked Diggles body back and forth in his arms. "Open your eyes." He whispered. "It should've been me." He mumbled. "It should've been me."

Authors note: I am so sorry. I love Diggle, but i realized halfway through writing this that someone had to die and i have plans for everyone else so it had to be Diggle. :'( i'm sorry for any spelling mistakes i made i wrote this on my phone. :P and i'm sorry for any feels i may have caused. ;) i hope you all like my writing style and it was any good. :P (this is my first time writing Fanfiction so hopfully i will get better.) Anyway, i hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will try and get the next one up soon. :)

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