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Tine look towards the couple who were sitting at the last bench of the classroom talking and laughing with each other.

The girl is really beautiful who made Tine's heart to flutter when he first saw her. The boy is also handsome but Tine never agreed that the boy is more handsome than him.


The girl whom Tine had loved ever since they started attending high school and the girl who proposed to him herself but broke up with him after one month.
Tine knew she had never loved him once.

But the constant question is then why did she proposed to him?

This is their last year in high school and Tine still doesn't have the guts to ask her this.

He still remember how much he was happy when Pear came to him and handed him the letter herself. He still remembers that but at the same time he was completely unhappy because even after their relationship Pear wouldn't wait for him after class. They had only three or four times lunch together in their one month relationship and Tine was unable to understand why Pear was not comfortable with him.

And with this guy...she seems to be very happy.

Tine looked away from them and got up from his seat to go to washroom. At the doorway he bumped into someone and the things that person was carrying scattered all over on the floor.

And suddenly Tine found himself in the middle of girls with this person.

"I'm sorry! na-krap" Tine said and attempted to gather the things.

"It's ok!" The person said and then only Tine looked at the another Person's face and realised why all so sudden these girls are gathering here.

The person he bumped into was Sarawat.

The flower boy of almost every girl in this high school. Tine had seen him performing in school functions one or two times or more Tine can't remember because Tine had never gave attention.

Above all Sarawat have tough personality. He doesn't have many friends. Never dates anyone.
Well, that's what Tine had heard about him.

And in the classroom he sits at the corner behind him.

Tine had to admit he is painfully handsome.

"What are you staring at? Give me the papers.." Sarawat came close to his face and whispered.

"Who's staring?" Tine quickly shoved the paper at his hand and walked away.

"Who was staring at him? So arrogant." He mumbled to himself before entering the washroom.

He looked himself in the mirror and surprisingly his cheeks were red and hot.

"It's too hot today" Tine convinced himself nodding.

He was about to go out when he met him again for the second time in one day.

He avoided eye contact.

"You again" Sarawat said.

"I came first..I should be the one saying this" Tine snapped back this time looking at the other and he realised that it is the first time he is talking to this arrogant guy.

Sarawat smiled with the corner of his lips.
"You're such a nuisance"

And Tine thought he had heard or seen this word nuisance anywhere.

This is a common word. He thought again.

"None-of-your business Saraleo.." he said before going out of the washroom. First day of talking and he already dislike Sarawat.

I'm in love with Brightwin...they are such a cutie..and hope you'll love this fanfiction..

Secret Love Letter  [Sarawat X Tine] (2gethertheseries )Where stories live. Discover now