You're being tormented by something complicated

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"I guess with what started it all.... the notes"

"Notes?" Chan looked at him questionably.

Felix looked down and nodded.

"Like... the one I found?"

"Ya...there were more...."

"More?"  Chan asked in disbelief.

Felix nodded before getting off Chan's lap to grab his phone, coming back to get situated on the older again.

" The first note, it said " I know". Then another one said, " They will all know". They were all found in my locker, right before I would leave at night... to come meet you..."

He sighed before continuing.

"They had stopped for a bit, and I wasn't worried. But then.... the one you found... someone slipped it in my bag when I was using the bathroom before coming to meet you one of the nights...."


"And then these..." Felix pulled up the pictures on his phone from the unknown sender, showing them to Chan.

"Somebody took pictures of us...?" Chan stuttered out in a panic.

Felix started to tear up as he put his phone down.

"I'm sorry Channie... it's all my fault... I made you worry by picking me up each night... and I thought you were right if no one saw us...I should have been more careful " he sobbed.

"Oh sweetheart, no. Don't think that, this is no way your fault" he said soothingly has he pulled him in a hug. Felix sniffled into his neck before leaning back to face him.

"How long has this been going on?" The older asked.


"Oh my god... Felix..." he said with worry.

"I- I think it's that mean classmate I told you about... that's why I went to the party... my friends said he would be there... so I was going to beat him up...." he mumbled as he looked down.

"Baby, I told you I don't like you fighting"

"I know Channie, but this is different. He keeps tormenting me, I can't handle it anymore. Now he knows about us, and keeps spreading rumors I'm sleeping with Kai... that I'm a whore..." he cried out.

"So... I needed to do something about him..." he finished as he looked at Chan.

"Felix, you are in no way a whore" Chan said to him with sad eyes.

Felix kept his head down.

Chan let out a sigh as he reached his hands to cup Felix's cheeks again.

"Ok, Lix. This is what we're gonna do, ok?" He looked into his eyes.

Felix nodded.

"Even if you got those notes, I don't want you to worry about it. Everything will be ok."

"B-but you will get fired if these get out..."

"No I won't, if this was last semester where you were directly under me through teaching, then it would be an issue. But since you aren't, it will be fine. Some people will frown upon it, but no legal action will happen. Everything is consensual between us".

"Are you sure?"

"Yes beautiful, I am. And if it ever did, I can just go back to working in a practice" he lightly chuckled.

"Oh, ok..."

"Do you feel a little bit better about it now?" He smiled to the younger.

"A little..."

"Good, remember what I told you last semester when you got into that fight?"

"Not really..."

Chan laughed before reaching for Felix's hands.

"Well, I had said if there is ever a problem. I don't want you to fight anyone, I want you to come to me and I will deal with it. So I don't want you so worry about this anymore, I will handle it. You focus on your dancing and classes. Ignore that guy. And if you get anymore notes or if someone says anything, you let me know. Ok?"

"Yes Channie...."


"I promise" Felix looked at him with doe eyes.

"Mmm I don't believe you" he teased.

"But I do promise Channie, I really do. I'll pinky promise" Felix whined holding up his small pinky.

Chan giggled at his small pinky, grabbing his hand to interlock his fingers with the younger.

"I want a kissy promise instead"

"A what?" Felix's face turned to confusion.

"I said, I want a kissy promise. 1 kiss please" he giggled as he pointed to his lips.

"You are so weird Channie...." Felix deadpanned.

"I'm waiting" he sang.

"Ok, fineeee"

Felix leaned down to kiss him on the lips.


"One more please "

" But you only asked for one?"

"I know, but now I want one more" he whined to Felix.

Felix rolled his eyes before leaning down to kiss him again.

"Happy now?"

"For now"

"Once again, you're lucky enough I still love you to put up with your neediness" Felix sighed out as he shifted to rest his head in his shoulder.

"And I'm lucky enough to still have you"

Hewwooo! Just wanted to mention as y'all requested, a book with all my one shots is out now. So you can add to your library for further read 😊

 So you can add to your library for further read 😊

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