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An echoey giggle is heard through the unending palace, little pats of feet pair the sweet laughter.

Many people roam the halls of this palace, but not one looks up when an angel with golden, honey brown hair and blinding golden eyes passes them.

All are used to the sweet, beautiful boy running through the halls and rooms, a big smile on his face while enchanting giggles escape his pretty, pink lips.

The boy in question proceeds to speed up, letting his feet lead him to where he wants to go, whom he wants to see.

Once the boy arrives at his destination, he slows down and eventually stops when he's met with a tall gate, leading to an enormous empty room.

Every single milimiter is covered in marble, the floor feeling cold on his bare feet. In the middle of the spacious area sits a giant statue of heaven's ruler.

He sits in his throne, powerful and intimidating with closed eyes.

The boy happily skips over to the middle of the room and looks up at the statue with a wide smile.

"Good morning, my master." The angel says as he bows, one hand behind his back, eyes to the ground.

Once the boy looks up again, the statue has disappeared and a man has taken its place. The man frowns at first but when he sees the younger, a sweet smile spreads across his face.

"Hello, my boy." He speaks as he ruffles the boy's golden brown locks.

The boy smiles widely, jumping up and wrapping his arms around the other. The man laughs in return, trying to pry the boy off.

Once succeeded, he chuckles. "I've told you before that you don't have to call me such names. You are far too precious to have the same rules as the other's."

The boy pouts, folding his hands behind his back. "I know, father. I just wanted to tease you."

The man sighs, heading back to his now human sized throne and takes a seat, the boy following after and rocking himself back and forth on the balls of his feet.

"Can I ask you something, father."

The man sighs once again. "Yes, but first take that ridiculous thing off." He says as he points at the fabric hugging the younger's waist and flowing down to his knees.

The boy sighs, taking off the fabric he had heard from the women is called a skirt, and folds it up.

"You know how I think about clothing, Adonael.."

The boy rolls his eyes and kicks the skirt away. "Clothing makes us less beautiful." He murmers.

Adonael has always hated that rule, he adored clothing. He would always try to get his hands on the few clothing articles there were, often going to the worker ladies and asking to borrow one of their dresses or skirts.

But his father always made someone return it, not wanting his son to walk around in anything but his natural form.

He had always said to the boy that he created him, and that he didn't want his hard work to go to waste. Adonael understood this, he knew about how special he was, being the only one to treat the ruler with such casualty.

But he yearns of something else, he wants to see something other than the unending palace he lives in, the beautiful garden and the magical animals. He doesn't know what he desires, but he needs something different.

"I was wondering if I could go ou-" "No."

His father cuts him off mid sentence, already knowing what the boy wants. "I have told you before that you are never to leave the heavens. You are free to roam around outside the castle and across the land, but you will never ever go further."

The man takes a deep breath. "Sometimes I regret telling you that there even is a place outside our world."

Adonael sighs and bows his head, his eyes becoming watery. "I understand, father."

His father takes the boy's chin is his two fingers and lifts his head up, wiping the forming tears away. "I love you with all my heart, my son. Please understand that I want you to be safe, I want to protect you with all my might."

The man stares at the boy's face with so much love and adoration. You've already been abandoned once.

Quickly, he releases the boy's chin and watches him walk out. "Adonael?"

The boy turns around, pout still prominent on his lips. "Yes, father?"

"I love you, don't ever forget that."

The boy smiles weakly as he looks at his father's desperation. "I love you too, father."

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