»*·~<Chapter 1>~·*«

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Y/c/n(your country name)

M/c/n (mothers country name)

E/c (eye color)

Y/h (your height) (make it reasonable your a kid, and your age is 10, countryhuman age goes slow)

F/c (favorite color)

F/f (favourite flower)

Fl/c (flag colors)

A/n: don't worry I will continue the bnha one, I just had a idea for this and decided to do it. Thank you for understanding, now onto the story!

Art belongs too me

Edit: help with new plot goes too 


Iimisheru! Go check her out and support her! 

Now onto the story!


Your pov

You sat in your little garden, as tear stains left on your (fl/c) cheeks. You sigh as you remembered how this happened.


You were walking into the garden with you mother. You asked her "momma? What are we doing in the garden?" 

She simply smiled and said " we are gonna play a little game..."

Your eyes lit up "what game is it? Tag? Hide and seek?"

Your mom nodded her head "you guessed it darling, hide and seek" she said with a large bright smile

You nod "this will be so much fun!" You say excitedly

She only smiled with a small giggle before walking out of the garden leaving you alone too count.

You soon finished as you began to run around the garden and search every spot, even in the forest that was large and green. Filled with all sorts of life. But, no matter where you looked...

Your mother was no where too be seen. So you retreated to the garden where you were left for years to come.


You sigh as you look around as if you were expecting too find her in the trees but you didn't. You sigh as you looked at the dead flowers that your mother use too take care of. You looked at a dead (f/f) making you frown sadly.

You look up at the gray sky and felt yourself wanting too cry again, you weren't sure if you had already too much. But you let yourself sob in your hands alone. 

After a hour you had drained yourself of tears and just sat there silently once again as it began too rain. Lucky you, anyways you just stare at the ground in silence but something broke that silence.


What was that?! You look around frantically before seeing a shadow in the trees hiding. You stare keeping your eyes locked on the figure, it was tall, "mom?" You ask quietly, almost a whisper.

The figure flinched and hesitantly walking out from the trees too see a man with a top hat and a black fancy suit, he was a flag. But you didn't know who, the man had a blue flag with a stripes that looked like [* <- that]that were red but the outlines were white and he a monocle on its left eye. 

The man wore a worried but shocked expression "I'm not your mother little one" he said in a accent I wasn't familiar with. "What's your name?" He asked kneeling too my level of height

I stare more until saying "[y/c/n]" 

The man said "nice too meet you [y/c/n], I'm The United Kingdom but I go by many names. So just call me Britain" he told you with a calm tone.

You nod silently before looking around too see if there's more country's. But, you found none so you look at Britain and look down shyly as you play with your fingers.

He must have noticed because he said, " no need too be shy [y/c/n]" 

You simply nod then ask "do you know [m/c/n]?"

His eyes looked like he was in deep thought as he rubbed his chin before saying "I'm afraid I don't know who that is" he frowns

You sigh and scratch the back of your head "it's ok.."

The British man frowned more before asking "would you like too stay with me instead of sitting in the rain?" 

You forgot it was raining but you thought as you look around. What if your mom returns and figured out that you stopped playing?

But she hasn't returned in years! She's not coming back

But she might-

Just go with him! She's not returning..


You look around once more and thought 'i can return tomorrow' and so you look at Britain and nods "ok, I'll go with you"

The british man smiled before standing and held a hand out for you.

You grab his hand and you two walked out of the garden and into the forest. You held back tears as your chest tightened making you feel guilty. You were wondering if she might come back, you kept glancing back where the broken garden stood.

A part of you wanted too just rip from his grip and run too the garden. But, the other wanted too stay with him. You just stayed with him, you want want to upset him by running away.

He must have noticed because he said "are you ok? " 

You jolted as you were ripped from your thoughts, you looked at him with a soft smile and small nod too him. He smiled back and looked away. But then he  stops in front of a large- castle? Not really but the size of it! 

You stared in a complete shock as Britain chuckled softly before leading you too the entrance but you didn't notice as you were looking at the bush animals (if you dont know what i mean, im talking about the large bushes that get cut too look like a animal statue but made out of the bush leaves)

Once he opened the door you looked in as the ceiling was high and there was a impressive glass chandelier hanging down. You gasp in amazement only making him smile brighter but footsteps from down a hallway made you alert.

A man with a red and white face with a square on the side of his face looked at you and Britain "yo what's up?"


Hey I hope you enjoyed this, more chapters coming soon!


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