~•|<chapter 5>|•~

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~Your dream~

I was sitting in a field.
The birds were singing.
The flowers were at their finest bloom.
Relaxing lofi music played from somewhere.
The sun was setting.
The sky was almost clear. Just a few clouds here and there.
They were a peach or pink.
The wind was soft. Just enough to make your soft dress flow in the wind.
The scene changed to night.
Fireflies lit up the darkened night.
There was a fire pit with a lit fire.
It was cold so you walk over to see hot chocolate.
You took a sip.
It was nice.
How mom would have made it.
The moon light rested on the field and me.
But, there was a shadow walking to me.
"I found you" said that same voice from home
The same voice that has raised me.
The same voice that LEFT ME IN THE GARDEN.

You gasp awake.
France and England were there.
Where are you? The room is white. Your on another bed.
Gosh what's that annoying beeping?
You were engulfed into a tight hug from France and England.
France was crying while England was clearing holding back tears "what's going on?" You ask nervously.
" you didn't wake up in the morning and we couldn't wake you up! Your breathing was so...slow Mon chere. we were scared" France said as she stood up right and wiped her tears.
England nods "at least your awake and ok. Your to young to...go" he said.
"...did mommy go?..." You ask.
England and France froze for a second before.
"We don't know dearie" France said.
Canada walked in. " is she awake? "His voice sounded concerned.
" she is now. Bring in your brothers nada" England said.
"Yes dad" and with that he called for them.
America rushed in "Oh thank the cheese burger lord. I thought you would leave me with these insane guys"
"Your the one insane ame" new Zealand said defensively.
"an not!" America protests.
" you kinda are ame" Australia said.
"Oh shut up you own a alligator!" America scoffs.
" and does she do anything? No" Australia huffs.
"Can we not fight? I'm getting a head ache already" England groans.
"Yeah" you agree quietly.
"Sorry" the two said.
You thank them then relax.
"Lets get you home Mon chere" France said before picking you up.

Time skip

You were reading one of England's books since he was gardening the garden with France.
America was visiting friends.
Canada was chopping wood for the fire.
New zealand was working on your garden that you wanted to help with but he said it's a surprise. So you didn't go.
Aussie? He was taking his animal's out for a walk.

And there you are. Sitting in England's chair reading peacefully until.
What was that?!
"Y/c/n" said a voice you recognized.
That German who tried to kidnap you!
You stood and closed the book before starting to run up the stairs. You heard the Germans heavy foot prints behind you.
You gasp and run into americas room and slammed the door.
You saw a hand gun.
You grab in case. It was loaded and ready to fire if the trigger was pulled.
You hear harsh banging on the door.
You gasp then.
You had pulled the trigger.
There was a help of pain then silence.
You open the door.
Nothing was there! No blood, no body. Only a hole in the door
"Y/C/N!?)" yelled england.
You put the gun back quickly and panicking.
England and France rush into the room. Seeing your panicked state.
" (y/c/n) what happened?! Why is there a hole in America's door!? " he seemed concerned.
"The guy was back! He came for me!" You say.
" Enough with the Reich thing! He's dead! " England said.
"Dear she might be having visions. You know" France said trying to defend you.
"There's no need to blow a bloody bullet!" England protested.
" she thought it was real" France said calmly.
England sighed in defeat "fine. Then she should get some rest if she's seeing things."
And with That you were out to bed so they could fix the door.
You know that man was real! You just know it...

712 words

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