why is it always me?!

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This one is about all 4 of them the first part is Ben and Amy and the second part is about joe and Dianne xx

Bens pov:
So I was watching strictly week 4 to be specific and I knew just like everyone else Ames isn't right this week.She has a terrible cold and last time I checked up on her a very sore throat and bad stomach pains, I told her not too dance tonight they were gonna be given a bie into next week but Amy said that wasn't fair to everyone else, so she went on and as they were getting there comments for the judges and there scores i could tell she was getting worst and worst. I needed to get to her and give her a cuddle and a kiss I need to make sure she's ok. When she left to go down the stairs I went straight there I don't care that the producers don't want me too I needed to see her and hug her!!

Amy's pov:
I wasn't feeling well at all today, but I need to do this show I need to do Karim proud I can't get a bie that would be cheating.So as we were last on the dance floor I stood with Oti and she kept on telling me not to go on but I feel like I'll be letting Karim down which I really don't wanna do I can't let him down. So we went on and got 38! That's an amazing turn out but I still feel like rubbish I want Ben's kisses and cuddles!!

Oti's pov:
Amy isn't well at all today she had been coughing all day and had ran off during run through 3 times to be sick she 100% shouldn't of performed  but she just wouldn't listen to any of us even Ben like come on girl anyway we were doing the end bit of the show you know all the voting is open stuff and Amy went straight off before it happened so as soon as it was done I ran down to see her upset in the girls changing room I knew she needed Ben right now but how the hell am I gonna find him!!

Bens pov:
As soon as I saw Amy leave Claudias area I knew she needed me but the producers were being annoying and wouldn't let me in go see her but eventually they let me in after I'd annoyed them for long enough and I ran to try and find her but I couldn't find her anywhere then I ran into oti and she told me Ames was in the girls changing room and was crying shit I need to see her she's not ok!!!

Amy's pov:
So once me and Karim came off the dance floor we got our scores then I left clauds area I needed some quiet time my head was hurting and I felt sick so I went down to get some peace and quiet. Then when everyone started to come down I saw Oti thank God someone to speak too!!!

Oti's pov:
So I'd been walking around the corridors for about 10 minutes and eventually I bumped into Ben finally took me long enough!! So I gave him a run down on how Amy was and we went back to the girls changing room to see her all the other girls were ok with Ben coming in as they knew how sick Amy was so he came in and sat with her for a while and eventually she fell asleep but this wasn't the best thing as Amy needs to go back for the results show and I swear if she's in the dance off then I have no idea what's gonna happen!!

Diannes pov:
So I knew Dev didn't perform his best this week and I was really worried about us being in the dance off and I really don't want Dev to leave this week he has so much more to give and doesn't deserve to leave this week even though Joe has reassured me so so many times on the phone im still not sure how this is gonna go and if were in the dance off then we will probably go out as everyone else was so so good this week!! I also have other things to worry about like Ames is sick and I feel like if we were to be in the dance off I'd upset her and that's the last thing I want too do anyway I best be off it's results show time.

Joe's pov:
So I was watching Di on strictly and her and Dev hadn't had a very good week this week they did a cha cha and the judges didn't have very much good to say about it which broke my heart Dianne phoned me after they danced and told me she had a bad feeling about this week and that Dev didn't deserve to leave this week and I know he didn't he's been amazing and if he left this week then Dianne would never let it slide and would blame it on her self for ever. Anyway I'm gonna go and get things ready for her coming home in case her and Dev did go out I wanted her to feel as relaxed as possible when she gets home.

Diannes pov:
The second couple in the dance off is... my heart was beating so fast it was between us and Alex and Neil they were amazing I have a bad feeling about this week oh no here we go...
Dev and Dianne...my heart sank this is the last thing I wanted to happen Dev has so much potential that cannot be wasted fingers crossed that the judges see that Any way I'm gonna go dance now bye

Amy's pov:
Me and Karim are through but Dianne and Dev were in the dance off that's not good news i wish this wasnt the case but I wish this dance off could hurry up because I'm so so tired...

Diannes pov:
I heard Craig say Emma and Aljaź then i heard Motsi say the same thing then Bruno said the same oh no here we go were out one word I didn't want to say until at least Halloween Dev had so so much potential!!
We went over to talk to Tess then had our final dance well hug I couldn't believe that he has been put out so early then eventually I felt to pairs of arms rap around me finally Janette had come down some one who knows how it feels Ames was here too thank God people who I can speak too finally.

So I'm not sure if I'll do a part 2 to this or not but I've past 1000 words so if it was longer it would be boring anyway Hope everyone is ok and has an amazing day xx

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