Halloween in Zombietown part one

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"Addison, you have to come to the haunted house tonight!" My best friend Bree came running over to me in the busy hallway, pushing her way through a crowd of students. "It's gonna be so great!" She was practically jumping up and down on the spot with excitement.

"I dunno Bree, I was planning on staying home tonight." I didn't look at her as I fumbled with the lock on my locker. Halloween wasn't exactly my favourite time of year. I didn't like scary movies or haunted houses. On Halloween I wanted to stay at home and give out candy to the trick or treaters. The haunted house was in Zombietown, where Halloween is the most popular time of the year. I would normally avoid Zombietown at this time of year, not because I don't like zombies. I do. It's just Halloween isn't really my thing.

Since humans and zombies had integrated at Seabrook, it had become a lot more open to their traditions. Halloween being a big one.

"Addison!" Bree grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me to face her. "You have to come tonight. Everyone is gonna be there." She threw a flirty look towards a group of zombies at the end of the hall.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said, turning back to my locker.

"Oh, come on! You've been crushing on Zed since forever. Tonight, is your chance to finally talk to him. He's working at the haunted house you know."

"You're not gonna convince me to go" I said slamming my locker shut just as Zed and his friends were walking past us.

"Hey." Zed nodded, a smile creeping through his lips.

"Hi" I mumbled, barely making a sound.

"You guys are coming to the haunted house tonight?" Zed's friend Eliza asked. Eliza and I had a few classes together and were kind of friends.

I couldn't pull myself away from looking at Zed. He was talking to his friend Bonzo, not paying attention to what Eliza was saying. He was so handsome. His tall frame, his emerald green hair and those beautiful chocolate brown eyes. I sighed unknowingly to myself.

"We'll be there" Bree exclaimed bringing me out of my daydream and back to the school hallway.

Zed's head snapped up from his conversation with Bonzo, "Great." He smiled. "See you later." With that him and his friends walked towards to school doors.

"Really Addi?" Bree demanded.

"What?" I defended, picking my bag up and swinging it across my shoulders.

"You're so in love with him and you're not hiding it very well" She teased. The hallway had gotten quiet now that almost everyone had gone home.

"Shut up" I nervously laughed. Before she could say anything else, I turned away and headed for the same door the zombies had just left through.

Bree called after me "Remember nine o'clock tonight. Don't forget!"

"I know, I know" I pushed open the doors and stepped into a cool October evening and made a silent wish that tonight wouldn't be a total disaster. 


"Ugh this line is taking forever!" Bree complained.

The line was taking a long time to move but I didn't mind. It gave me more time to mentally prepare myself for what terrifying things were going to happen in the haunted house. "Don't you think it's kind of chilly?" I suggested rubbing my hands up and down my arms to bring some warmth back to my skin. "Maybe we should head home"

"You're not backing out of this Addi. We told Eliza and Bonzo," Bree sighed lovingly with the mention of Bonzo's name "that we would be here."

"You promised. I didn't promise anything." I retorted back.

From inside the haunted house I could hear people screeching with terror as chainsaws roared and ear shattering screams ran through the October air.

"I wanted to stay home and give out candy to the trick or treaters."

"Oh, come on, this is way more fun." A deep voice said from behind me. I turned around to see Zed towering over me. He had a playful smile on his face. He wasn't wearing a costume. He was dressed in his regular clothes. Black jeans, a maroon t-shirt and his light blue letterman jacket. He looked great. The maroon t-shirt hugging his toned muscles in all the right places.

"Ummm." I mumbled, not able to get any words out of my mouth now that it had gone completely dry.

"Thank you, Zed" Bree butted in, saving me from total embarrassment. "I've been trying to tell Addison how much fun this will be." She smiled sweetly. "And I promise I won't leave your side." She elbowed me in the ribs and smiled at Zed.

"You'll have a great time." Zed chuckled, opening an old door that led into the haunted house. Eery music filled the air around us and my breath caught in my lungs.

"Maybe I could just wait for you at the exit." I begged, trying to move away from the door.

"Come on!" Bree grabbed my hand, pulling me into the darkness.

"See you on the other side." Zed called to us as we plunged deeper into the darkness. 

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