Halloween in Zombietown part three

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I walked over to her and bent down so I was eye level with her. "I lost my friends tonight too. Want me to help you find them?" I asked. "I'm Addison."

The little girl looked up at me and slightly smiled. She had deep chocolate brown eyes, just like a certain zombie I was trying to get out of my head. "I'm Zoey." She said with a bit more confidence.

"Well Zoey, how about we go find your friends?" I asked, standing up and putting my hand out for her to take it.

"Could we go to the carnival and find my brother?" She shyly asked. "He said if I ever got lost to find him."

"Of course, we can."

Zoey and I walked back the way I had come and back into the heart of the Halloween celebrations. Dazed by the fairy lights Zoey let go of my hand and ran a few steps ahead of me. "Hey, don't go too far! I don't want to lose you as well." I called out to her. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Bree and Bonzo. Bonzo's arm was draped around Bree's shoulders and they were laughing.

Sighing I rolled my eyes and smiled to myself. At least my best friend is enjoying Halloween I mused.

"Zoey?" I heard someone call. I turned my head at the sound of the little girl's name being called, not wanting to lose her and risk her getting scared in the crowd. I caught up to Zoey just as someone else reached her at the same time.

"Zed!" Zoey screamed, running into the arms of her brother. "I got lost and I lost my friends when we were trick or treating and then Addison found me and she told me we could look for you because you told me if I ever get lost to find you." Zoey babbled on without stopping to take a breath.

"Wow, slow down Zoey." Zed said with his hands on his little sister's arms. "Are you okay? No one hurt you?" He asked, concern painting his face.

"I'm fine Zed!" Zoey exclaimed jumping up and down on the spot. "Addison found me and brought me to find you!" She turned around and pointed up at me. "See!" Zoey pulled away from Zed and took a step over to me. "She's the girl from the cheer squad at your school. The one you always talk abo..."

"Okay Zoey." Zed cut her off by cupping his hand over her mouth and smiling at me. "Addison. Thanks for finding my little sister." He let is hand off Zoey's mouth and she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Oh, it's fine. We were both kind of lost, so it worked out." I slightly laughed. Trying to ease the tension that was building inside me.

"Yeah, back at the haunted house, I turned around and you were gone." He paused. "I was looking for you."

"You were?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah. I thought you were gonna hang around for a bit." Zoey tugged at his arm and we both looked down.

"Zed can I please go on the creepy carousel?" Zoey begged, pointing towards a carousel with dragons and monsters instead of horses.

"Sure Zoey." Zed looked at me and smiled. "Do you wanna hang around with us for a while?" He asked, blush slightly staining his cheeks. "If you don't have anywhere to be."

"I don't have anywhere to be." I smiled at Zed and before I could say anything else Zoey was pulling both of us towards the carousel.

Zoey hopped onto the carousel and picked a dragon to sit on. Zed and I waited for her at the bottom of the steps. The music started playing and the carousel started to move. Zoey waved to us both, her eyes lit up with excitement. Zed waved back to her, a smile on his face, happy to see his sister so happy.

"She's so cute." I smiled, looking at the two of them now I could see how similar they were. Both had warm brown eyes that lit up when their smile reached them.

"Yeah, she's a cool kid." Zed said, never taking his eyes off the dragon his sister was sitting on. "Thanks for finding her." He turned his attention to me, pulling his eyes away from her. His eyes locked onto mine and my breath caught in my lungs. The anxiety of the haunted house was gone but the anxiety of being so close to Zed was sky rocketing.

I broke eye contact with him, looking down at our shoes. I didn't say anything. The voice in my head reminding me about Clara Connell flirting with him.

"Hey," he said, "Why did you leave the haunted house before?" He asked, looking back up to the carousel.

"Umm" I stuttered "You seemed pretty busy with Clara and I didn't want to bother you." I blurted out before I could stop myself.

"Clara?" Zed chucked. "Clara is." He stopped mid-way through his sentence and titled his head to the side.

"Clara is the prettiest girl in school, and everyone knows she likes you." I stated. Not looking over to him. I didn't want to see his reaction. Ugh, Addison you idiot! I thought to myself. You're putting ideas into his head.

"I don't think she's the prettiest girl in the school." He replied. "And I don't care if she likes me. She's not my type."

I stole a glace at the zombie standing beside me. He had his signature cheeky smile on his lips and my heart skipped a beat.

"I prefer girls who save little sister's on Halloween." He looked down at and winked.

The carousel had stopped, and Zoey came bounding down towards us. "Did you kiss her yet?" The little girl demanded, crossing her arms and looking up at her big brother.

"Zoey" Zed nervously laughed. A pink blush covering his cheek. "Let's go get some candy corn." He took his little sister by the shoulders and led her away from the carousel.

Nervously looking back to see if I would follow, he put his hand out for me and when I took it, he pulled me closer to him.

Maybe Halloween wasn't so bad after all. 

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