Halloween in Zombietown part two

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Hands coming from unknown places grabbed at my arms and legs. Tugging at me. My whole body tensed up, without Bree pulling me along, I think I would have been frozen to the spot. She kept her promise and didn't let go of my hand the whole time. She screamed with me as horrifying faces jumped out at us. We ran through the house together, the tension in my body relaxing knowing I had Bree next to me. Soon our screams turned into laugher as we raced through the haunted house. The thought of almost being at the end a relief to both of us. Just as we spotted the exit sign at the end of a long hallway, we heard a chainsaw behind us. We turned around to see a masked figure running right at us. The chainsaw held high in the air. We both screamed and ran down the hallway. The strobe lights were flashing on and off making it hard to see where we were going. I held on tight to Bree's hand and kept running. Knowing the exit was right there was the only thing getting me through this nightmare. Yeah, all the scary things were just kids from my school but that didn't change the fact they still terrified me. I wanted to get out.

Just as I reached the door, Bree let go of my hand and I lost her in the darkness. I busted through the exit and light came flooding into my field of vision. I turned around to see if Bree had followed me through but the door behind me swung shut. Leaving me standing alone outside.

"Addison, you survived!" Eliza laughed as she walked over to me. My face felt red as I turned around to face her.

"Yeah" I sighed, breathless from the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"And it wasn't that bad after all?" Eliza asked.

I looked back at the door I had just come through. "I lost Bree." I said, puzzled. "She was right behind me and then she wasn't." I looked around to see if I could find my friend in the crowd.

"Oh, I'm sure she's fine. She probably got caught up with Bonzo." Eliza laughed. "You can stay with me until she comes back." Eliza was a sweet girl. I didn't know her very well, but she was always nothing but nice to me.

"Are you sure? You're working. I don't want to annoy you."

"Don't be silly." She smiled "Did you enjoy..." She was cut off by someone walking over to us.

"Hey, you survived." Zed beamed, walking over to Eliza and me. "I told you it wouldn't be that bad. I bet you even had fun." He teased.

"I lost Bree." I repeated to Zed, not knowing what else to say.

He laughed at this, his head falling back in amusement. "She probably found Bonzo, you know what those two are like."

"I told Addison she could stay with us until the love birds came out." Eliza explained, laughing along with Zed.

"It's okay Eliza. I think I'll just head home." I tried to find an excuse to leave so I wouldn't embarrass myself anymore around Zed. Without Bree beside me I was afraid I would say something stupid. "I'll just text Bree and tell her I left. She won't mind." I trailed off, hoping the two zombies in front of me would let me leave.

Eliza and Zed turned around; our conversation being interrupted by a group of girls running out of the house screaming.

"Hey Zed." Purred Clara Connell, one of the girls who had just run out of the haunted house. My heart sank into my stomach when she sauntered over to Zed and placed her hand on his arm. "I could have used you in there to keep me safe." She flirted.

I was already feeling deflated enough thinking about Bree ditching me for Bonzo. I didn't need to hang around and watch Clara flirt with Zed. She was the prettiest girl in school, and he was the star of the football team. Of course, he liked her.

I snuck away from the group before anyone could notice. Eliza was busy laughing with some of her friends who had just finished the haunted house and Zed wouldn't even notice I was gone.

He was only talking to you because your best friend is hooking up with his best friend, I told myself. Don't be so stupid Addison, a guy like Zed would never be into a girl like me. Walking past groups of friends, I walked further into Zombietown. It wasn't just the haunted house for Halloween; they had a full carnival.

Thousands of fairy lights lit up the sky. Couples and groups ran around laughing and shrieking. Zombietown looked amazing. Food stands lined the streets and music filled the air. Humans and zombies danced together. Seabrook had really come a long way in the last few years. I strolled my way through the groups of people on the streets. Everyone seemed like they were having such a great time. Everyone except me.

In the glow of the fairy lights I thought I had lost my way until I came across a street full of houses. Laughter filled the air and groups of children ran past me shrieking, obviously high on all the Halloween sugar. "Tick or Treat" a group of costumed kids sung into brightly lit house. "Oh, don't you all look so scary" the woman at the door cooed. "And let's not forget the pretty cheerleader." I turned my head at the sound of cheerleader. I was on the cheer squad at school. Cheering was one of my favourite things to do. A little girl came running down the steps from the house, carrying a bag full of candy. She was dressed in a maroon cheerleader outfit; her hair was emerald green and she was smiling from ear to ear. When she looked up to find her friends her smile faded. She was the only kid standing at that house. Her friends must have run off and forgotten about her. I know that feeling, I thought to myself. I looked around to see if any adult was coming over to claim the little zombie cheerleader, but she looked like she was alone now.

"Hey." I called to the little girl. "Are you okay?"

The little girl looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "I lost my friends." She mumbled under her breath.

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