1: A Revolutionary is Born

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A.N. This chapter was re-written on July 1, 2020.


Mount Vernon, February 22, 1760

George Washington always wished for a child. Of course, he had Patsy and Jacky but none to call his own, that was until Martha told him she was with child. He ecstatically approached the small crib holding his newly born daughter. Holding her close, he gazed into her bright blue eyes. He smiled as her tiny hand grasped onto his shirt collar.

"Hello there little one," he whispered, "I'm your papa."

Glancing over he could see his wife, Martha, chuckle, "George, we still have to name her."

"I want to give her a unique name," he answered, "There's too many Marys, Annes, Elizabeths, and Margarets."

"Something from the classics then, perhaps Persephone or Minerva" Martha suggested.

"No, something more English," he smiled remembering his days as a British officer.

"What about Guinevere," she suggested.

Looking back to his daughter, he thought about the name. He loved calling her Gwen but Guinevere was too formal. Turning back to his wife he answered, "Gwendolyn. Her name is Gwendolyn Cate."

"And where did Cate come from?" she questioned.

"I can already tell she will be a strong spirited woman," he replied.


Mount Vernon, May 1763

George Washington was in his study reading one of Shakespeare's classics when his three-year-old daughter walked in. Not noticing her quiet entrance, he slightly jumped when she called for him.

"Gwen, what are you doing awake at this hour," glancing at the clock in his study. It was nearly 10:30 at night.

"I couldn't sleep, Papa." She then had a sly grin as she asked, "what are you doing up so late."

George couldn't hold back his laughter at his daughter's response. Over the past few months, she had developed a quick-witted and cunning personality. Most would argue a young girl should never speak like that, but he could never bring himself to reprimand her. He could tell it wasn't out of disrespect but it was simply a part of her personality. Of course, he would attempt to reign back some of it as she grew up, he would never want to see her in trouble. He loved his daughter and wanted to give the world to her.

Snapping out of his thoughts he answered, "I am reading," hoping his answer would satisfy her curiosity.

It didn't for her next question was, "what are you reading?"

"The Taming of the Shrew," looking back he knew another question was to follow.

"What is it about? Can you read it for me?"

Knowing he was defeated he picked her up and set her on his lap. "Ok," he said, "your mother won't be happy knowing I let you stay awake but I shall read it to you."

Giggling, Gwen kissed her father's cheek as he continued on. A few minutes later after some explanation, she interrupted him saying, "but why is he forcing Katherine to marry him. Doesn't she get to say no! Why isn't her papa listening to her! You wouldn't do that to me, papa... would you?"

George's heart melted at her last comment. It was at this moment he realized he would never force her to marry anyone. He wanted her to make her own decisions. After reading for nearly an hour he closed the book, seeing Gwen curled up. He smiled hearing her soft snores, reminiscing

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