I'm very confused in what to think about my actual situation... So let's recap : negative aspects :Mr Weasley is in St-Mungo, I felt a huge hatred toward Dumbledore (and I can't explain it), and I don't know if I'm not a snake... And on top of that my broom is locked somewhere in Hogwarts, far from me... Now the positive side : I escape Hogwarts under the nose of toad-bridge, and I'm able to see both my godfather and Tonks. As I said earlier, it's hard to know how to feel... But the wait was surely the worst thing... Around ten at Ron's watch, Mrs Weasley got in and gave us a wan smile:
"He's going to be alright." she said with a voice weakened by tiredness
“He’s sleeping. We can all go and see him later. Bill’s sitting with him now, he’s going to take the morning off work.” Fred fell back into his chair with his hands over his face. George and Ginny got up, walked swiftly over to their mother, and hugged her. Ron gave a very shaky laugh and downed the rest of his butterbeer in one.
“Breakfast!” said Sirius loudly and joyfully, jumping to his feet.
“Where’s that accursed house-elf? Kreacher! KREACHER!” But Kreacher did not answer the summons. “Oh, forget it, then,” muttered Sirius, counting the people in front of him. “So it’s breakfast for — let’s see — seven . . . Bacon and eggs, I think, and some tea, and toast —” I hurried over to the stove to help. I didn't wanted to intruded upon the Weasleys’ happiness, and I dreaded the moment when Mrs. Weasley would ask me to recount my vision. However, I had barely taken plates from the dresser when Mrs. Weasley lifted them out of my hands and pulled me into a hug.
"I don’t know what would have happened if it hadn’t been for you, Harry." I smiled, embarrassed :
"I didn't do much..." she genuinely smile:"Yes you did, like I said, Arthur would've not survived without you..." I didn't knew what to say, but Mrs Weasley had already jumped at Sirius to thank him for hosting her children, he looked so happy to have people for Christmas that I felt bad for having a face sad enough for him to ask me what was wrong... So I told him my vision... He listened to me until the end calmly and when I stopped, he said :
"It must have been the aftermath of the vision, that’s all,” said Sirius. “You were still thinking of the dream or whatever it was and —”
“It wasn’t that,” I said, shaking my head. “It was like something rose up inside me, like there’s a snake inside me —”
“You need to sleep,” said Sirius firmly. “You’re going to have breakfast and then go upstairs to bed, and then you can go and see Arthur after lunch with the others. You’re in shock, Harry; you’re blaming yourself for something you only witnessed, and it’s lucky you did witness it or Arthur might have died. Just stop worrying. . . .” He clapped me on the shoulder and left the pantry, leaving me standing alone in the dark. Everyone spent the rest of the morning sleeping. Except me, I went up to the bedroom I had shared with Ron over the summer, but while Ron crawled into bed and was asleep within minutes, I sat fully clothed, hunched against the cold metal bars of the bedstead, keeping myself deliberately uncomfortable, determined not to fall into a doze, terrified that I might become the serpent again in my sleep and awake to find that I had attacked Ron, or else slithered through the house after one of the others... I sight in relief when the red head woke up and said that yes I had well slept. I went downstairs, and got caught by a well-known voice :
"Wotcher Harry..." I put myself together :
"Hey Tonks! How are you?" I said as I turn myself but I got caught by a hug:
"Sirius explained to me, you don't have to lie, I know you didn't slept at all... Here take place in the couch and we'll talk about your year at Hogwarts." I began to say all the story and when I arrived at the point of my torture sessions with Umbridge, she let out a small scream and took my hand:
"This fucking bitch! The blood Quill are forbidden and yet she do it on you too!" I look at her in shock:
"Too!?" she suddenly stiffen before helding out her right hand and letting it go to it's natural form where scars showed a "I must not scream on my superior in hierarchy and blood status." my voice turned two full octave down:
"She did this to you?" Tonks quickly nod.
"But continue your story..." when I arrived at the Dumbledore's Army, she smirked :
"So you managed to get Umbitch! Cool!" I nod, laughing. During the rest of the day, we got to St-Mungo and saw Neville and his grandmother, as well as his parents to his greatest shame... But there was no point of being ashamed as Augusta said. We saw Lockhart too even if it wasn't the best person we could have run into... Other than that the day went pretty well. The dinner arrived and Sirius again managed to get me to sit next to his cousin. Hermione smirk lightly seeing I was getting red. A few times our hands brushed, sending electricity in my whole body. But the worst thing happened when she took the water, and the carafe fell on the table, exploding and getting her all wet, while of course she was wearing a white top... And I could now see no bra, and because of the cold, her nipples hardened. So, my lower end began to appear, bigger and bigger. *Dzzzzt* I quickly stood, almost rubbing my erection in her face by turning to Sirius with a death glare. He just giggled and I sat back down, redder than a tomato. The rest of the dinner went well. I said goodnight to everyone, quickly, wanting to get away from this situation. Tonks kissed my cheek as a goodnight, slightly longer than usually, I slightly flush:
" 'night Nymph, 'night everyone."
"Goodnight Harry!" they all replied, Remus, Sirius, Ron and Hermione smirking. I directly went sleeping.
Pinkish Tone
General FictionHarry Potter and Nymphadora Tonks romance, plus adding some minor changes to Harry Potter's story