Chapter 17 - I don't like him

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Grace P.O.V.

my heart was racing and adrenaline pu,led through my whole body. I took Ulrich's arm without even glancing at Draco. As we walked away there was a strange sort of satisfaction that came over me, leaving him stood there speechless just felt like payback for all the tears I've cried over him. Ulrich led me to my parents then before leaving told me to save a dance for him with a wink. I turned to speak to my father when I was tapped lightly on my shoulder. Narcissa. She smiled at me with tears welling in her eyes. I turned to face her and pulled her into a hug. She clung to me tightly. As we released each other she wiped away a rogue tear and grabbed my hand in hers. "It's so good to see your face Grace." She squeezed my hand affectionately. 

After spending about an hour sitting with Narcissa and my mother, catching up and hearing stories about what they used to get up to when they were younger I looked around the room as if I'd forgotten where we even were. I looked across the dance floor to the other side of the room where there were more tables adorned with flowers and candelabras. A all too familiar pair of grey eyes were staring back into mine. I hated how even such a simple thing as staring into his eyes still gave me butterflies. I blinked and looked away but not before Narcissa saw the exchange. As my mother excused herself to go and prepare for the pre dinner speeches Narcissa smiled at me sympathetically, she looked as though she was dying to say something but she decided against it. I excused myself and headed to the kitchen to get some water, the whole time feeling his stare follow me across the room. 

Draco's P.O.V.

They had been sat together laughing for about an hour now. It was nice to see mother enjoy herself and smile and laugh with everything that is going on at home. Hearing Grace's laugh again and seeing the smile on her face instantly warmed me. She is phenomenal. How does she not see it. I could literally point out 10 other guys staring at her right now calculating how they are going to make their move on her but she's oblivious. She doesn't understand how amazing she is. Then it clicked, she is staring at me. Those big blue eyes are staring into mine and it still makes my stomach jump. I've missed those blue eyes, that smile, her smell, her touch, everything. 

I watched as she walked across the room and left when a thick accent spoke from behind me. "Having a good look, are we?" It was the muscular boy who she had spoken to earlier. 

"And what's it to you if I was." I said looking him up and down. I'm not confident I could take him but if he wants to start something then I'll make sure it gets finished. He just chuckled at me. 

"Listen, you had your chance Draco Malfoy. You blew it. Time for someone else to shine, no?" 

"How do you know my name?" I asked a little shocked. 

"Who doesn't know the Malfoy family. You have been a bit prolific of late." He said dismissing me. He turned and walked away back to him Durmstrang friends. 

I stormed out of the ballroom and out the front door for a bit of air. I walked around the side of the huge manor and found a bench overlooking the grounds to the side of the house. It wasn't until I sat down that I saw someone sat on the bench over from me. I looked up to see Grace. She was purposely trying to be quiet and not make eye contact. She stood up to walk away and the words fell out of my mouth before I'd even had chance to stop them. "Don't go, please." I was almost pleading with her. I just wanted to speak to her. That can't be so dangerous, right? I can still be the cold bastard I need to be with her. I just want to hear her voice. She sat down on the opposite end of the bench. 

"What do you want Draco?" She asked me, her voice sounded irked and she had every right to be. I turned to look at her. She was looking right at me. Her eyes glinting in the moonlight, her hair falling perfectly, her whole presence was just perfection. After drinking in just being around her for a while, she sighed loudly. "Well if you aren't going to talk, then please excuse me." She stood up and walked back to the manor. I put my head in my hands. I'm such a fucking idiot. Why didn't I speak, tell her How I truly feel. That I haven't stopped loving her since the day I met her, that I was being stupid and just trying to protect her, that my heart aches for her. 

I made my way back into the ballroom about half an hour later just to be stopped in the doorway by my mother. "Erm Draco, can you show me where the bathroom is please." She asked me. I furrowed my brow and looked down at her. 

"You know where it is mother. You don't need me to..." just then I realised why she wanted me to leave. There were people on the dance floor. And just as I looked over my mother shoulder I saw Grace being spun around effortlessly by the Durmstrang boy. Just the sight of him touching her, making her smile, it made me want to pull my wand out right there and then. The music died down signalling the end of the song. I seized my opportunity. I strode over to them. 

"Mind if I cut in." I stated rather than asked and before either could protest the next song had begun and I spun Grace away from him. We danced smoothly as if we'd danced a thousand times before. " I don't like him." I eventually said. 

"And how is that my problem?" She scoffed at me as I spun her around. Our bodies met back together and my hand was on the small of her back, hers on my shoulder whilst our others were holding each other's hand. She melted ever so slightly at my touch. 

"I'm not saying it is Hawthorne, I'm just stating that I don't like the guy. I don't like any guy that lays a hand on you or looks at you like you're a prize to be won."

"You lost the privilege to feel like that the day you decided you didn't love me anymore." She snapped back. 

"Grace, you really can't believe that I don't love you anymore. I've been in love with you pretty much from the first time I saw you and I'll be in love with you until the day I die." She genuinely was shocked by what I just said. The song ended and we clapped the orchestra. I turned to face Grace, she looked up at me obviously mulling over what I had just said, I wanted to kiss her right there and then, I didn't care who was watching. Just as I'd took a step closer a bloodcurdling scream came from the entrance hall. Grace had a look of horror on her face. 

"That was my mother." She whispered as she ran towards the noise. I ran after her. As we got to the hall there was blood on the floor. In the middle of the pool of blood was her father. Her mother was frozen to the spot. Grace ran towards her Dad almost slipping on all his blood she dropped to his side and pulled him into her arms. "Dad?" She was tapping his face trying to wake him. ""Dad?!" Her voice more urgent and louder. She looked around everyone. "Well someone help! Don't just stand there," she shouted. I moved forward and recognised the spell. It had been used on me months previous. Sectumsempra. I knew how to save him.

"Lay him back down Grace, I can help. She led him down instantly, her dress was now covered in blood. I began performing the counter spell and the blood on the floor started flowing back into his body. Once I had finished her father let out a low groan. Wizards began rushing forward with a stretcher they had magicked out of nowhere. They rushed him upstairs followed quickly by her mother. Grace was still sat on the ground staring at where he was laying moments ago. She now had blood on her face from where she had been touching it. "Grace?" I said gently. Her conscious brought back into the room. She looked me in the eye, a tear escaping one of hers. 

"I should go, I should be with my mother." She blinked and another tear fell. She stood up, her whole demeanour numb, and made her way upstairs. 

"Right. Everyone leave. Now!" Bellowed a wizard behind me. I couldn't take my eyes off the back of Grace as she made her way upstairs. Now more than ever I wanted to be with her. To comfort her, reassure her. Just be there for her. 

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