Chapter 2 - Ice Cold

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Draco's P.O.V.

I had so much on my mind that I barely noticed where I was walking, my legs were just carrying me as my mind was going 10000 miles per hour. It wasn't until Blaise shouted over "Malfoy! Where do you think you're going!?" That I came back to reality with a thump. A literal thump as someone just walked straight into the back of me before I had chance to turn around. What idiot can't even look where they are walking  I whipped around ready to reprimand whichever moron it was until I was face to face with a face I didn't know. She had gorgeous red hair which was curled and braided to perfection. Her deep blue eyes looking up at me straight into my stone cold grey ones made my heart beat faster. This is not good I thought to myself. I cannot be getting remotely close to anyone right now so I recomposed myself to my usual default of a cold hard glare and told her to watch where she was walking. As I stomped away towards the Slytherin table I heard the girl with her telling her to ignore me. 

As I sat down next to Goyle and Blaise all the time watching this mystery girl. Blaise and Goyle both followed my line of vision and started smirking.

"I see you met Grace Hawthorne." Chuckled Goyle. I gave him a look of shock. 

"How do you know who she is." I asked, as if Goyle would know her. 

Blaise then chimed in. "Think of her name Malfoy..." then he must have seen the realisation on my face. "Exactly, she's a Hawthorne, they are the purest of bloods, even more than your lot. How she didn't get into Slytherin is beyond me. I mean fancy placing a pure blood like her in Ravenclaw!" He shook his head is disappointment. 

I looked back over at her, she was talking to the people that she was being introduced to. She was captivating to watch. I don't think one person had anything bad to say to her. She glanced over in my direction and we locked eyes. I feel like I could see into the depths of the ocean with her gorgeous blue eyes staring back into mine. "Pure blood or not, she needs to learn the hierarchy here." I said to Goyle and broke our eye contact. 

For the rest of the sorting at the feast I couldn't stop thinking about my task I had been set. Every so often my mind would wander to Grace and I'd steal a glance at her. I need to distance myself straight away, I can't have any distractions this year. There is too much at risk and I could really see myself falling for her.

Grace P.O.V.

The rest of the feast went by amazingly. Everyone welcomed me and made the effort to talk to me. There were a few glances over to me from other tables with questioning looks. Then realisation. I'm part of one of the oldest wizarding families. My family is quite active in the wizarding world and have their hands in everything. My mother loves to throw a fundraising ball. It made me feel slightly awkward but I expected it. 

Once the feast was done we went back to our common room where we all sat and chatted. "So, just so we know the situ, are you single? Just a bit of research fir the boys" Asked Lucas, a boy I'd only met an hour ago. He had gorgeous brown hair and deep hazel eyes. I chuckled to myself. "Yes Lucas, I am single." He smirked at me with a cheeky look in his eyes. 

"Any boys catch your eye this evening?" He asked with a devilish grin. My mind immediately went to Malfoy. Rude, obnoxious Malfoy who I couldn't get off my mind for whatever reason. Of course we knew his family, they came to a lot of our events and my mother often sends letters to his and keeps in touch. But this was my first experience of the Malfoy family first hand, and it wasn't great. 

"No." I lied. "Far too early to be revealing those kind of secrets Lucas." I said and shot him a flirty grin back. He leaned back in his chair bringing and chuckling quietly under his breath. He stood up and announced he was going to his bed and he'd see us losers tomorrow. Padma asked what  y first class was as we were in the same year group. I told her potions and she was excited. "Perfect. We can go together! I wonder what Slughorn will be like." She wondered out loud. 

We all went up to the dormitory and got ready for bed. A slightly different experience than at Beauxbatons. I seemed to be the only one with a dedicated skin care routine. Lisa followed me into the bathroom and was asking what I was using and said she was going to pick some up in Hogsmede.

I slipped on my dark blue silk night dress that had a lace trim around the bottom and sweetheart neckline. I looked up to see everyone looking at me in their flannel pj's. "What?" I said with genuine concern in my voice. Had I offended them? 

"Nothing." Lisa laughed.

"You're bringing some much needed glamour to Hogwarts." Said Padma. 


The next morning I woke up earlier than the rest. Had a shower and washed my hair. I sat and looked at it in the mirror. Still slightly damp I decided to do a high curly ponytail if potions was first and tied a dark blue ribbon around it. Perfect. I did my make up the same as before then went back into the dormitory and got dressed. The other girls were stirring at this point so I waited for them before I went down to breakfast. 

After having some scrambled egg on toast, Padma and I headed off to potions. As we walked in the door I could see the bright white hair of Draco Malfoy. He was staring off into the distance with a solemn look on his face. We took our seats next to the Gryffindor's who Padma introduced me too as Hermione & Neville. Professor Slughorn began the class when two boys entered the room apologising they were late. Padma told me their names, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. I was told he would be in my year. Harry sat next to me as it was the only seat. He glanced up at me with a puzzled look when he sat down. "I've just transferred" I answered his question before he asked. He smiled at me. "I'm Harry." 

"Grace." I smiled back at him. I heard shifting behind me and turned to see grey eyes glaring at me. I have no idea what his issue is. "Hey, Potter." Draco whispered. Harry turned to face him with a very exasperated look on his face. 

"Got yourself a new girlfriend? Whatever will the Weasley girl say?" He sat back almost triumphantly. Harry just turned around and shook his head. I looked back at Draco who was staring at me and quickly averted my gaze back to the front of the room. 

Draco's P.O.V.

As soon as Potter sat next to her my blood started to boil. I could see him looking her up and down and the look he had in his eye. Hell, I think most of the guys round here look at her like that. Blaise leant over and whispered to me, "I don't think there is a guy in this school that doesn't want to at least fuck her. Potter included" He said as he motioned towards them both chatting. My body had an involuntary reaction, it was filled with jealousy and rage. I suddenly felt protective over her even though she wasn't mine. 

Before I knew it the words were coming out of my mouth. "Hey, Potter." I spat at him waiting for hi, to turn around. "Got yourself a new girlfriend? Whatever will the Weasley girl say?" The fact I didn't get a rise out of him bugged me even more. I stared at Grace, mostly with disbelief as to the feelings she had me feeling. She turned back to the front of the room.

Slughorn had us making Draft of Living Death. I have to admit, she knew how to brew a potion. I watched her silently from behind. Her red hair swept up. Her pale skin on her neck on show. Her small silver star earrings twinkling in the light. Her and Potter having the occasional conversation. He even made her giggle which was like music until I remembered it wasn't me who made her do it. My blood was boiling so much I though I'd have steam coming from my ears. 

Slughorn came and judged all our potions and Potter came out on top. Little saint Potter. Has to be good at everything. As class finished I hurried out the classroom before I said something I'd regret. I needed to keep myself ice cold wherever Grace is concerned. 

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