Chapter 8 - Christmas Shopping

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Draco's P.O.V.

It was the last weekend we could go to Hogsmeade before the Christmas break. Grace had set it aside for us to do some Christmas shopping, she was so excited. Her mother had sent me her present from both her and Grace's father and asked me to keep it until Christmas Day for her. Mother had also invited them over but they were going to visit other relatives so couldn't make it. 

This trip to Hogsmeade was my opportunity to try and complete one of my tasks. I had been failing miserably at fixing the vanishing cabinet. I was in the room of requirement  until the early hours of every morning. I though I had progressed with it but reflecting on it, I had gotten nowhere. 

I had hatched a plan. I had a cursed opal necklace which I was planning on giving to Dumbledore. As soon as he touched it he would die. Hogsmeade would be full of students doing their shopping so it was a perfect chance. I just needed to persuade someone to do it. I had decided to use the Imperius Curse on whoever the unsuspecting victim would be. I'd have to leave Grace so that I could complete the task, I didn't want her involved in any of this. As far as she's concerned, I have no tasks. I can't risk her knowing anything, the Dark Lord wouldn't be happy. 

I looked out the entrance doors as I waited for Grace to arrive so we could set off on our day of shopping. There was a thick layer of snow on the ground and more still falling. I was lost in my thoughts about the task when she arrived. 

"Everything ok Draco?" She asked me sounding concerned. I still get a shot of electricity through me whenever she says my name. I turned to face her, she looked adorable all bundled up ready for the cold. She had on a burgundy coloured bobble hat which her red hair spilled out the bottom of curled and waved to perfection. She had on a thick knitted cream jumper, a navy blue padded coat with a hood, and some black skinny jeans which were tucked into some thick cream socks that protruded ever so slightly over her dark brown boots. I looked at her face, her make up subtle like her everyday make up for school. In my opinion she didn't need any make up at all. She was naturally beautiful. I smiled at her lovingly. This girl was amazing. Even just looking at her makes me forget about all my worries. 

"It is now you're here." I said, cringing slightly at my cheesy line. She giggled and rolled her eyes at me. 

"Come on Casanova, lets go." She said pulling on her black gloves then taking my hand as we started our walk down to Hogsmeade.

Grace P.O.V.

We'd had quite a productive trip so far. I had bought Draco's mother a gorgeous brooch for Christmas and Draco had bought the matching earrings. We had been for some lunch and a butterbeer. I had left Draco in The Three Broomsticks, he seemed a bit distracted but I had to get his present. I had a few gifts in mind. I first bought him a new wallet, his other one had began to frey at the stitching. I picked a black one personalised and for his initials embossed on it in silver. The lining in the wallet was green, just like his house colours. The next first I got him was a bottle of his favourite aftershave, he was on the last dregs of it. And lastly I bought him a watch. He kept commenting on how he needed one and that maybe it would mean he didn't stay up so late. He had noticed one a few weeks ago in a shop window. It was a silver watch with links. It had a large black face and silver hands on it. The Roman numerals were all in silver also. It was gorgeous. They offered to engrave it for me on the back of the watch face. I opted for it to say "Forever yours - G.H." I then asked the shopkeeper to add two small stones underneath it. One small green emerald and one small blue sapphire. They sat side by side perfectly, like Draco and I did. 

We met each other again after an hour and made our way back to the castle. Draco constantly tried to peer into my bags playfully. As we got back to the castle there was a strange atmosphere. Padma came running over to me. "Katie Bell has been attacked! Thank god you're ok, I was beginning to worry."

"Oh my god! What happened?" I asked. I looked at Draco as Padma was explaining it to us and his expression never changed. He didn't seem to be surprised or shocked or have any reaction at all. It was strange. I know there is something he isn't telling me but surely it's noting to do with the attack. Goyle came charging over to us and brought me back to reality from my thoughts. 

"Snape wants to see you in his office Malfoy. Now." He sternly said to Draco giving him an intense look. I looked back to Draco who's expression still hadn't changed. This just made me more curious. There's definitely something he isn't saying. 

"I'll see you at dinner." He stated giving me a kiss on the cheek and stalked off with Goyle towards the dungeons. 


It was a week after the attacks and we were all on the train home for the Christmas break. I was sat in a compartment with Cho, Lisa, Padma, Lucas and Dougie. Lucas still hadn't really spoken to me properly since our little spat. I was talking to Cho about a new charm I had been practicing when the door to the compartment flew open. Draco stood in the doorway looking around sternly for me. His eyes locked on mine when he found me next to the window. A smile spread across his face, "Can I borrow you Grace?" He asked. I jumped up and near enough ran to him. How after these few months he still made me feel like I am about to burst of excitement whenever he says my name is beyond me. He wrapped him arm around my waist and closed the door. He shot Lucas and Dougie both a smug look that he thought I didn't see. 

Draco pulled me into and empty compartment, he pulled the blind down on the door so no one could see in and locked the door. He turned to face me, his face was straight and he had a look of desire in his eyes. He stepped towards me and pulled me into him. Before I could even say anything he crashed his lips to mine. This time there was pure passion, need and wanting in his kiss. We walked backwards never parting lips until he pinned me against the wall. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them on the wall behind me and kissed all the way down my neck. I could feel his appetite and craving for me oozing out of his every pore. He kissed all the way back up to my lips. He let go of my wrists and let my arms fall. He grabbed me by the waist and pushed me down onto the seats of the compartment so I was laying on them. He then laid himself on top of me kissing me again with the same sense of urgent desire. His hands wandering up the side of my body and I had mine running through his hair. I couldn't help but let out a tiny moan of pleasure. This seemed to just make him even more driven by hunger for me. 

We were brought back to reality with a resounding thump. There was someone outside the door trying the handle. They started banging on the door. It sounded like a first year. "Students are not supposed to lock the train doors." He squeaked. Draco, still laying on top of me looked over his shoulder. "For fucks sake." He muttered. He turned back around to me and planted a gentle kiss on my lips. He shot up instantly and bounced over to the compartment door. He unlocked it and flung it open. "What do you want?" He sneered at the first year who looked scared when he realised who's door he had been banging on. He looked over Draco's shoulder to me as I was sitting myself up. Draco clicked his fingers at the first year. "Over here, I'm the one speaking to you. Now, what to you want?" He venomously quizzed the little boy drawing his attention back to him. 

"Erm, nothing. I'm sorry, I didn't realise this compartment was, um, in use." He said glancing over at me again. 

"Leave. Now." Spat Draco. He closed the door on the first year and turned back to face me. I let out a little giggle and walked over to him. He instinctively wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck interlocking my fingers at the back of his neck. He leans down and kissed me gently again. Then pressed his forehead to mine. "Well that was a mood killer." He said sounding disappointed. "I did bring you in here to say we would be at the station in about an hour and that we would be travelling via port key. But as usual Hawthorne, you were too irresistible." I gave him a flirtatious smile. "How the hell am I supposed to keep my hands to myself over Christmas." He said surveying my body. 

"With great difficulty Mr Malfoy." I replied smirking enticingly to him. He threw his head back and let out a low husky growl then looked me in the eyes again, his wild with need. 

"Fucking hell Grace. You drive me wild." 

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