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Chapter One

I opened my door slowly and peaked outside. "Oh, hey." I stepped back and pulled open the door.

"Hey, you ok?"

"No, ya I'm good." I smiled.

"Mommy." Tom came into the room and looked towards the door. "Mommy." He stood behind my legs and hugged them.

"Hi Tom." She smiled. He looked up at me and then ran into his room.

"Tom baby come say hi." Nothing. I sighed and turned on the kettle.

"Wheres the baby?"

"She's sleeping." I said looking down at my hands. Why did I think this was a good idea?

"How are you?"

"I'm good, turns out a fucked up sleeping schedule helps when you have a baby. How are you." I said.

"I got engaged." I looked at her for a long minute. "Then broke it off. I miss you." With that, the baby started to cry. I went into my bedroom and as soon as she laid her eyes on me she stopped.

"Hello, baby girl." She looked at me and stretched. I picked her up and cradled her tightly to me as I kissed her head. I went to the kitchen with her and Troian stood up.

"Wow... she's beautiful." She smiled.

"Isn't she." I mumbled.

"Can I hold her?" She asked. I wanted to say no.

"Here." I handed Bennie over carefully, her eyes glued to me, I smiled at her and stroked her cheek lightly.

"How's tom adjusting?"

"He's jealous sometimes but when she naps and he's awake I spend the time with him."

"Must be hard being a single mom."

"I did it with Tom."

"No I know, I mean like... with two kids."

"I'm not all alone I have help." I said getting definitive.

"I'm sure you do, but." She shrugged.

"I know what your hinting at Troian. I'm in no place to have a relationship. Tom is only now adjusting to Bennie, he doesn't need to share me even more."

"I'm not saying for us to get back together. But I mean... I'm here for you."

"Ya," I mumbled suddenly Bennie started to cry and I knew she was hungry, I picked her up and grabbed a nursing blanket putting it over my shoulder.

"I'm happy for you as long as your happy."

"Thanks. I'm very happy." I said as my phone started to ring. I glanced around and seen it was on the counter beside Troian, I started to walk towards it but she picked it up.

"Gemma's phone. Here." She smiled, I took it and sighed putting it to my ear.


"Don't tell me that's who I think it was."



"How're things going?

"Call me when she leaves."

"Ok, talk to you soon."

"Bye." I pressed end and put my phone in my back pocket.

"I bought a house," Torian said sitting on the counter.

"Mommy, I wants food." Tom said from the hallway as he peaked around at me.

"Sissy is eating ok baby."

"I can get him something," Troian said as I sat on the couch as my arm started to tire. I looked over at her and hesitated. "What do you want buddy?" She said.

"I not your buddy." He crossed his arms.

"Baby be nice. You want nuggets?" I asked and he nodded. Troian put them in the oven as Bennie finished eating. I pulled up my shirt and put her on top of a nursing blanket and started to burp her. I went into the kitchen and Tom followed me, he always hated Troian and I have no idea why.

"Mommy, let's talk." Tom said holding my shirt and pulling me towards his room. He is literally the cutest child in the world.

"What baby."

"I don't like bree."

"That's not nice." I said smiling at the nickname he gave her.

"She hurt you."

"No, she didn't baby." I sighed.

"I want bee."

"I know Tom but she's not here right now, you need to he nice to bree because she likes you."

"No!" He yelled making Bennie start crying.

"Tom," I said sternly.

"No!" He shouted again and stamped. I started bouncing Bennie to try and stop the crying.

"Tom Blake Alex Butler!" I sighed and he started to cry as he plopped on the floor. He never acts like this. "Tom." I kneeled down and put my finger under his chin lifting his face. "Calm down baby, listen to me ok? Tom." I wiped his cheeks as I continued to bounce Bennie. "Tom, look at mommy." Tears were still flowing but I could tell I had his attention.

"It's not nice to yell ok? Calm down, do you want a hug or do you just want to cry?" I asked. He opens his arms so I scooped him up in my free arm and hugged him tightly. "Mommy is going to put sissy down and then I give you big hugs ok?" He nodded. I took Bennie to the living room and put her in her swinging thing that she freaking loved and he went quiet just watching the mobile. Troian looked over at me, how was I going to tell her to go away?

"You look like you need help." She said.

"I think me and Tom need a movie night tonight." I said and she nodded getting the hint. Once she left I gave tom his nuggets and he ate them as I called Billie.


"You ok?" I asked.

"Ya sorry." She sighed. "One sec." After a minuet I heard shuffling. "Ok ya."

"How are things?" I asked.

"Guess who broke her ankle again."

"Billie." I sighed. "You need to be mor-"

"Why was torian there?"

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