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Chapter Six

I woke to Tom walking into my room. "Mommy."


"I wanna sleep wit you."

"Ok." I helped him onto my bed and he cuddled into me.


"Hum?" I asked closing my eyes.

"Yeye is sad." I opened my eyes and looked at him through the dim light coming from the window.

"I'm sure she's ok," I said.

"No, she's sad. She made cookies." I smiled at him, he didn't miss much.

"Baby she's ok." I kissed his head and Bennie started to cry. I picked her up and sat back on the bed, Tom leaned over and kissed her head. I started to rock her and she stopped cry. I laid her on the bed and put my arm around her, tom laid down and held my hand instantly falling asleep. I watched them sleep and my mind wouldn't shut off, I watched Bennies chest rise and fall in sync with her brothers and I smiled. I grabbed my phone and seen it was six AM.

'I know I'm probably the last person you wanna hear from. And I don't expect you to message me back, but are you ok?' I laid my phone down and it vibrated almost instantly.

'You're the only person I want to ask me that. No, not really'

'I'm truly sorry Billie.'

'Me too' she said. I laid my phone down and unexpectedly fell to sleep.

I woke to a knock on my door, bennies eyes fluttered open and I smiled at her. I picked her up and went to my door. "Oh hey." Fuck.

"Hey, you sounded stressed yesterday so I wanted to bring you breakfast." She smiled.

"Thanks, Troian." I looked past her and seen a car pull in my driveway... fuck. I pushed past her and ran to the driver's side before she could pull out.

"Wait, please come in."

"I can see you have company."

"Baby please-" we looked into each other's eyes for a long minute. She put the car in park and got out, she instantly took Bennie from me and kissed her head.
Awkward was an understatement.

"So I was thinking... I know your only young and everything, but I mean something could happen and on the off chance that it might you need like a godmother for the kids... and I would totally be willing to do that since I'm living in LA now."

"I already have a godmother for them, thanks though," I said.

"Well, what about a backup guardian?"

"I have that too." I nodded.

"I'm the godmother and if anything happens to me and I cant take them Finneas gets them."

"Oh." She said. The rest of the time was just small talk but finally, Troian got the hint and left.

"Before you tear me a new one, I did not ask her over."

"Like you said it's none of my business."

"No, I get it."

"I felt the same way when I saw Zo. Garrett told me off."

"Oh." She looked over at me as Bennie started to cry. I picked her up and Billie passed me a nursing blanket, I started to feed her and I looked toward Billie.

"You got it right... not being on my pills has... ya know and I'm going to get back on then as soon as I stop breastfeeding but.... maybe it'd be best if you stayed away till then."

"You think I can't handle you, Gemma?"

"I know you can." I sighed.

"I can handle you better then you can handle yourself."

"I know." I nodded.

"You can't expect me to stop caring about you."

"I know Billie." I sighed.

"This just fucking sucks."

"I know. Just because I broke this off doesn't mean I don't care. I care so much about you that's why I did this."

"That's bull shit ok."

"You ju-"

"If you say I don't understand-"


"I love you." She said getting up and leaving.

For three weeks I didn't hear from Billie, I texted her to make sure she was ok but nothing. Radio silence.

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