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Chapter Two

"She wanted to see Bennie. And tom threw a wobbly and-"

"What the fucks a wobbly?" She laughed.

"A fit, tantrum whatever." I laughed. "He yelled and stamped his foot because he doesn't like her."

"Why does he hate her?"

"I have no idea, he just doses." I shrugged.

"Good sense of character already." I could hear her smile.

"You really don't like her do you?"

"Why would I?"

"Billie." I smiled.

"She just rubs me the wrong way."

"She better not be rubbing you at all."

"Ain't no one rubbing me except myself." She laughed.

"Ok, I'm getting a visual image and I'm not mad."

"Ok, anyways. How baby girl doin?"

"She's sleepin now again. Lazy little bum she is." I smiled over towards her.

"And tom?"

"Calmed down, I think he's just jealous over me. He loves Bennie but he wants my attention."

"Are you going to have any more kids?" She asked.


"Can I facetime you?" She asked.

"Sure." She pressed end and after a second my phone lit up.

"You wanna see Billie?" I asked Tom and he nodded quickly, I sat down next to him on the table bench and he instantly smiled when Billie appeared on the screen.

"Bee!" He squealed happily. "Look." He held up his nugget.

"You eatin?" She asked and he nodded.

"Nuggets, and cat-up."

"Is it yummy?" She asked and he nodded.

"You coming here?" He asked.

"Soon." She nodded.

"Yay!" He yelled.

"You finish eating then come in with mommy ok?" He nodded and I kissed his head. I propped my phone up on the coffee table and I picked up Bennie.

"Oh my god." Billie said as I sat down in front of the camera. "She gets cuter every day."

"I know, she's so perfect." I laid her on my lap and took her hands in mine and I kissed her nose. "I never thought my heart could love this much. Between tom and her. God." I nuzzled her and Billie smiled.

"I'll be home late tonight."

"The key will be under the mat." I said not looking at her.

"I gotta go, give Tom a hug for me."

"I will." I nodded. "Billie."


"Are you jealous?" I asked.

"Over you?" I nodded.

"Of course." She ended the call and I smiled. I laid Bennie on my shoulder and rubbed her back as she started to snore lightly, I kissed her head and looked into the kitchen at tom. He came over to me and sat on the couch, he cuddled into my side and passed me my phone.

"Movie?" He asked.

"Sure baby, what do you want to watch?" I asked.

"Pider man?"

"Sure." I nodded. I turned it on and he was glued, I knew I should put Bennie in her bed but these moments don't last forever. I nuzzled her and put my arm around Tom, he looked up at me and hugged me tightly.

I laid Tom on his bed and covered him up, I kissed his head and watched him for a minute before turning off his light and leaving his room. I checked in on Bennie and in the dead silence of the house I heard the door unlock, I met her by the door and she hugged me tightly. "Hey." She breathed.

"Hey, I missed you."

"I missed you too." She smiled.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Tired, very tired."

"Get a good night sleep, I'll cook you dinner tomorrow."

"Mac and cheese?" She smiled and I nodded.

"I'll see you tomorrow, good night."

"Night." I smiled as I walked her go the door, she hugged me again and left. I hated watching her go. I locked the door and got in bed, I watched Bennie sleep for a while before sleep finally grabbed a hold of me.

Nine AM Tom walked into the living room caring his blanket and he laid on the floor making me smile as I started to feed Bennie. "You want breakfast?" I asked him and he shook his head no. He closed his eyes and almost instantly fell to sleep, a quiet knock on my door startled me. I opened it to see Billie in her pj's. "Hey."

"I was lonely."

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok." She laid her head on my shoulder. Once I burped Bennie I passed her to Billie who cuddled her and kissed her head.

"She is literally so cute." Billie sighed and I smiled. "I missed you guys."

"I missed you too."

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