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jeno was kind of relieved when he learned that jaemin didn't like renjun. not that he liked him himself (even if he wasn't so sure about that), but he had found something interesting in this mysterious boy he had just met.

he was cute, and seemed shy. and, well, it made jeno's heart flutter to see renjun so embarrassed by the fact he had splashed his orange juice on him.

well, the next weeks were full of joy for jeno. him, renjun and jaemin would hang out together, at school, and after school. jeno would see his two friends having fun while he was practicing in the afternoons, and then, the tree of them would go back home together (he had learned that renjun didn't leave too far away from their houses). it was honestly jeno's best days.

"you're done daydreaming asshole?" jaemin said, very politely as usual, disturbing jeno.

the two best friends with renjun were sitting at their usual table at the canteen, waiting for their afternoon classes to start.

"huh? i wasn't daydreaming." jeno lied poorely, making the cause of his daydream giggle.

"yes, you were. and you didn't even hear that renjun asked you a question." jaemin told.

jeno looked in renjun's direction with heated cheeks, embarrassed by the fact he had missed the boy's question "w-what did you ask? i'm sorry, i didn't hear..."

"don't worry" he gave him his most adorable smile making jeno melt, "i asked you if you wanted to come and eat an ice cream after school with jaemin and i." he paused "but you don't have to if you are too tired after your practice or if you don't want."

"no, no, no. i want to. i'll come with you! practice won't be that hard..." he smiled goofily "well, it is never hard for me..."

let's say jeno should never have said that.

it is like god heard what he had said during lunch, and the he was having a pleasure torturing him.

yes, jeno hadn't lived such hard trainings as the one he was currently having. or at least, he couldn't remember.

jaemin and renjun could see the torture jeno was enduring, but they only laughed at the phrase he had pronounced too confidently hours before. well, they couldn't do much about it, so better laugh of it than cry...

when jeno got out of the changing rooms, he was the last, as usual, but he looked dead.

"okay, jeno, you look like shit." jaemin said.

jeno stared at him without showing any emotion: he was way too tired to reply.

"i guess we'll bring you home..." renjun said, which jeno was very glad about. he just wanted to sleep and never leave his bed again. all his muscles were aching, and he hadn't any strength left.

renjun noticed jeno's face lightening when he pronounced these words, so he added: "we'll grab ice cream with you another day then..."

and he got the effect he wanted to have. jeno immediately straightened his back, puffed his chest and raised his head. "i changed my mind, i'm not that tired, let's have ice cream."

jaemin raised an eyebrow at his stupid best friend; what a boy wouldn't do to grab the attention of the one he likes... it's getting scary.

renjun laughed and started walking "let's go then." he said heading to the gates. 

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