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"jaemin, where are you going?" jeno asked his best friend who was about to run in the opposite direction to the soccer field. "you're not coming for training?"

"yes, i'm coming, but i just need to do something before. go practice, i'll be there in less than 10 minutes!" jaemin said running away.

jaemin was sure renjun would watch the practice from the last floor's closet, because renjun had told him he always did. (yeah, they had talked while waiting for jeno to finish practice the day before, but of course, rejnun had left before jeno could see him from close).

jaemin ran to the closet, opened the door violently and barged in, startling renjun who was taking place in his sofa.

"renjun! what are you doing? you're leaving me alone down the field?" jaemin said juming next to renjun pouting.

"why don't you stay here with me?" renjun asked. "this way we both can look at the match and be together, if that's what you want."

jaemin smiled. "i promised to my best friend that i would be on the benches, but i want to be with you as well!"

"we've been knowing each other since yesterday and yet, you want to stay with me that much?"

jaemin rubbed his nape. "i don't know... i get attached easily, and yesterday we had a great time together, you're friendly, so i want to keep you as a friend..."

renjun felt touched by the sudden confession. jaemin was way to kind for his own good.

"okay, then, i'll come with you." renjun said grabbing his backpack and heading to the door, leaving jaemin behind in his thoughts.

"you're coming?" renjun mimicked jaemin's exact same sentence the day before.

jaemin woke up from his trance. "yes, i'm right here." he smiled at renjun, and both headed to the soccer field.

this became their routine for the next weeks. renjun had stopped going to his closet on the last floor, but he always came after the beginning of the practice. why? he just didn't want to face jeno yet. when he arrived, only two or three minutes after the beginning of the practice, he always went to sit next to jaemin, on the benches, and they would talk for the whole practice about them, sharing past experiencing, and overall, getting closer.

renjun would always leave the training two minutes before the end, in order not to see jeno, as well. jaemin didn't question it. renjun had explained it was because he didn't want to face his crush, but jaemin hadn't questioned the other about it. he didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

everything about this wired friendship felt alright, but for jeno, it wasn't.

"who is this 'renjun' you're always talking about? " jeno asked his best friend at lunch.

"renjun? oh, he's a friend of mine. the one who comes with me during your soccer practices." jaemin happily replied, munching his food.

"who is him?"

"a guy."

jeno rolled his eyes. "duh... since when do you know him? and why don't i know him?"

"i've known him for two weeks, he's a shy guy whose speciality is art. don't worry jen, you're still my best friend, no need to worry. no one will ever replace you." jaemin said.

"great then." he mumbled. "but i want to know him too."

"then i'll invite him to come to your soccer selection game. i'm sure he'll be okay with it."

jeno nodded his head. "great, this means i'll meet him soon."

"one week jeno, one week."

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