The good old days

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Y/N pov /The past/

Elaine and I are flying through the clouds laughing. hu

"SEE I TOLD YOU WONT CATCH ME!!" I yelled flying faster than her.

"SLOW DOWN A BIT Y/N!" She yelled back flying as fast as she could.

"ITS NOT MY FAULT THAT YOU'RE-" I hit on a tree hard and fell to the ground hard. "Owww..." I sit up holding my head.

"Hey y/n are you ok you hit that tree pretty hard." She said worriedly as she landed beside me.

"Yea, I think I'm fine." I got up and looked down to Elaine since she's shorter than me. ( A/N if you're shorter than her then your dream has come true to be tall...... For a moment)

"So how much time do we got left before you go?" I asked.

"Hmm.. I guess we have an hour." She answered.

"Why won't you ever tell me where you go after you hang out with me?"

"Because you will start teasing me like the child you are." She reassured me.

"All because I am younger than you doesn't mean I am a kid." I pouted.

"Well you are."

"Ok back to the topic! Since you said something about teasing you, I am guessing that YOU'RE DATING SOMEONE!!" I answered with confidence.

"Yes, you got it right." She smiled at me clapping her hands a little.

"So.. Who's the special guy?" I question her lifting my eyebrows.

"Not telling you~" she floats up and I followed her.

"Why not?"

"Cuz no" I sighed and continue flowing her until I bumped into something or someone.

///Forgotten memories for Y/N///

" Oh sorry!" We both said in the same time. I can see Elaine had stopped and looked at me holding in her laughter.

"No I'm sorry I should of paid attention." I rubbed my arm and looked up to see who I bumped into. It was a boy with Ginger hair and brown eyes, he was holding a green pillow? I noticed that he doesn't have any fairy wings behind him. 'Is he a fairy?' I asked myself. I started to feel something warm on my cheeks but I ignore them.

" No it was my fault sorry" I looked down. I smiled and hold my hand out.

"The name's Y/N what's yours?" I asked

"King.." He said shyly I can see red on his cheeks. I put my hand on his forehead.

"Are you sick?"

" W-what!? N-no!" He removed my hand and his face got redder.

"Oh ok. Are you a fairy or nah? You don't have no wings behind you." I explained.

"Yes I am. are you?"

" um-" I was cut off.

" Bro what are you doing here?" Elaine finally stepped in.

meliodas Twin sister ( King x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now