Let me take over

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Y/N pov

As I opened the door I felt a gush of wind hit me but kept going forward towards the throne room. As I saw the door to the throne room I start to sigh.

"There's no turning back now." I open the door and immediately saw the boys trap into some type of spell that will keep them still, but they are still asleep.

"Elaine where are you!!" I yelled. I saw a gold light dashing towards me but I quickly dodged it.

"Hm. It seems that you have approved of your strength. I can feel it." I see a fairy floating down onto the ground level but still floating. " hello Y/n! Welcome back!" she said happily.

" Let my friends go Elaine, I don't want to fight you!" I yelled but she just laugh

"Nope not until you defeat me first!" She charged at me. ' here we go' I thought as I start to dodge her attacks. 

Can start the music

"Look I don't want to hurt you!" I tried to explain, but she kept throwing attacks and some spells.

"But you have to, if you want to save your little friends" She smirks and rushes at me again. She hit me this time and I flew to the walls and crashed into them when I opened my eyes from the impact. I can already see Elaine coming towards me.

I jumped up really high and brought up the courage to punch her when I started to land. I heard her grunt. 'Since she's dead already then I could attack her more right.?' I thought worriedly. When she started to recover I saw she had a big bright ball of light in her hand and threw at me at high speed. I start to panic but I remember some type of spell she taught me years ago. I start to use it.

"Mirror!" I yelled as a huge barrier came in front of me in the color of F/C. The bright light that Elaine sent hit the barrier but it reflects right back to her. But she dodged it.

"Ok now let's fight for real!" She sounded excited. ' Maybe I can just fight her' I smirked and ran towards her. I expected her to dodge but she looked taken back, I took this opportunity and punched her as hard as I can, She was sent flying to the wall. I took my sword out of thin air.

"Get ready Elaine!" I yelled as I ran towards her as she was still recovering for the punch I gave her, But she disappeared

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"Get ready Elaine!" I yelled as I ran towards her as she was still recovering for the punch I gave her, But she disappeared. I stop running and look around to see where she's at. ' to my left?' I look to my left and she's not there.' my right?' I look to my right. ' Behind me?' I look behind but still no Elaine.

"Where is sh- Wait Above me!" I look up so fast but she already attacked me that got me crashing down to the place I was standing. I painfully get up and glare at her.

"Really?" I huffed.

"You have to look all around you my student" She smiles. I just stayed silent. ' I'm not her student anymore. Why is she still calling me her student?'

I just shake the thought away and rush towards her again. I was swinging my sword at her but she just dodge, I started to breathe heavily.

"Let me take control Y/N!"

' What why!?'

"Just come on I want to fight too and you need to take a break so just let me already," she explained.

'Fine, but I need my body back when you're done'

"Deal!" I sighed and switch places with Delora

Delora pov

A dark aura surrounds my body and my smirk went wider.

"Get ready Elaine! Let's end this!" I said to her, she looked confused then some seconds later her f  ace went to shockness.

"Delora?" I smiled as she said my name.

"Yup thats me!"

" I remember now. But I have to say that's smart to switch to delora, but it feels like you're cheating"

"Dont care!" As I was about to run to her I saw Elizabeth and Diana grabbing the boys, I was about to say hurry up but Diana put a finger over her mouth and did a 'shh' movement. Kept distracting Elaine until I knew they both left with the others. I started our fight.

Towards the end of the fight

"Let me take over now!" Y/n suggested

'What!? Just let me finish her!' I yelled at her

"No-" She was cutted off by  Elaine yelling as she was breathing heavily.

"I'll just destroy this earth and to take you down with me!!" She yelled as she build up something big.

"NO DON'T YOU DO THAT!!!!!"  Y/n and I yelled

" Can't stop me." She mumble

"Elaine!-" I was stopped and I saw something glowing on my neck. "What the fu-" It appeared to be a F/C amulet. 'Why do I need thi-' I was cutted off again when I felt a lot of pain in my back. I started to scream in pain and crouched down to the ground. Seconds passed and the pain slowly disappeared. Looked behind me and saw two big wings, one is pitched black and the other pure as white.

'Hey, want to work together?' I asked Y/n smiling

"Heck yeah!" She yelled excitedly

I started to fly up and notice that the wings are strong. I looked directly at Elaine and she was almost done with the big thing.

'Ready?' I asked Y/n

"Yep!" She said making her left eye turn into her original eye color.

Y/n and I started to fly towards Elaine in full speed, we raised our fist in the air as it glowed in a mixture of black-purpleish and white color.

"It's over!!!" We said at the same time, Elaine turned around with wide eyes in shockness at the last sec. When our fist made contact with her face a big explosion was made and i was sent back to a wall. I immediately switch back with Y/n.

Y/n Pov

I open one eye and see Elaine floating and glowing white. I got up and walk towards her, holding my arm. She smiled at me.

"You did a great job Y/n"

" thanks. Is it time for you to go?" asked kinda worried

"Yep i have completed my mission here, You're my best and first student Y/n but lose the subberness" she giggled a little.

"I'll try." I smiled

"Oh and can you do me a favor?" I nod

"Well Tell king that you love him quickly and tell him i missed him< and tell ban I loved him." She explained. I blushed.

"I'll try Elaine." I look down in embarrassment.

"Ok thanks and goodbye." she fades away and everything that happened during the fight got fixed and restored. I sighed and passed out.

To Be Continued...

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