Chapter 2

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"Yeah... yeah I'm fine." Harry assured the blonde haired bloke, "Just a bit distracted."

Little did he know.

Harry made his way to his next class, biology. As he entered the busy room the tardy bell rang, signalling for everyone to take their seats. The curly haired boy got to his usual table where he sat in solitude, only to be greeted by slew of papers and books sprawled upon the table. The owner of said mess peered up at Harry through a golden fringe covering his eyes. "Is this your seat? I'm sorry I thought it was empty, I can move." The small boy spoke with a voice that made Harry's head spin, made him feel as though he had never truly heard before. "No! No, you should sit here! I mean, no one else sits at this table just me.. but not in a pathetic lonely way... but not in a cocky way either... I just figured you could sit here because there's an open seat... I'm Harry... I mean my name is Harry.. I'm not hairy just to clari-" "Louis." The cerulean eyed boy cut his babbling off with a warm smile. "My name is Louis and I would love to sit here." He continued to smile up at the tall boy before him. "Not too weird for you?" Harry smirked back. "Not too weird for me."

Class went by rather quickly due to the fact that neither Harry nor Louis did work the whole period. They spent the entire class getting to know each other, favorite color, favorite bands, etc. Before they knew it the bell signalled for them to go their seperate ways. Harry couldn't help but feel sad to be parting with his new friend.

As they began to go off to their classes Harry called down the hallway to Louis, causing the shorter boy to spin around. In an instant Louis lost his balance and fell over, Harry immediately sprinted to him in a panic. Harry saw the boy sitting on the ground, school supplies scattered through out the hallway, Louis sat on the ground with his face in hands, shaking from what appeared to be tears. "Lou! Are you alright?! I'm so sorry!" Harry knelt down next to him, overwhelmed with guilt. It wasn't until he rested his hand on the smaller boys shoulder that he realized he was in fact not crying, but laughing hysterically. "God, I'm such a klutz! What is wrong with me?!" Louis choked out his words between laughter. Now the two boys were the only ones left in the hallway, everyone else far too concerned with being late to class. "Now help me with this stuff before you make me tardy on my first day." Louis continued to giggle, Harry couldn't help but join in on the laughter.

The boys finally finished cleaning the mess several minutes after their tardy bell rang, both too amused to care about being late. "Look for me at lunch, I'll save you a seat." Harry told the slightly older boy. "Maybe." Louis gave a wink before strolling to his next class.

Once he was a good distance away from the other boy Harry heaved a dramatic sigh, he knew he shouldn't think about other boys like this, but he couldn't help it. He thought of all the times they talked about homosexuality at church, at dinner, he remembered how his movie theater refused to show any movie with a gay couple, how his library banned any book with even a hint of a character being homosexual. His whole life he had been taught that being with someone of the same gender was wrong. His mind swirled with thoughts of negativity until he came to his final conclusion; if god were truly agaist this, god wouldn't have created Louis Tomlimson.

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