Chapter 01: 3:21

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In the moonlit room, a phone hummed on the nearby nightstand. From under the covers, a hand reached out grasping about the surface than drawing the nuisanced object under the blankets. Beneath the covers, Tharn squinted as the light from the screen extended toward his eyes. "03:21" It flashed briefly as he swiped his phone unlocked.

Type: Message (1)

Tharn opened the green icon LINE app, a small smile stole his face as he pressed a familiar faces avatar reading the new message.

LINE: Ai'Type
Type: comehome

Tharn's face creased with furrowed brows, his fingers replied as he chuckled, the smile curling wider on his lips.

LINE: Ai'Type
Tharn: drunk texting me are we?

Moments passed, Tharn fumbled another response as he turned over kicking off half the blankets, his eyes attentive glued to the glowing screen before him.

LINE: Ai'Type
Tharn: I'll be home tomorrow, wait :P ?
Tharn: heading back to sleep, have fun with Ai'No!

"No reply?" Silence filled the room as Tharns voice resounded to no one, "Not even a sticker?" The smile began to dissolve from his face. Tharn sat up, holding his phone tightly.

LINE: Ai' Type
Tharn: Ai'Type no comment? Done with me already? Should I stay for another two days?                

The minutes ticked by. Nothing. He took a deep breath, hit the call button.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring...

The phone lowered from his ear as he watched the call d/c without an answer. Sliding to the edge of his bed he grabbed a pair of keys laying on the stand. His shoulders arched as he bit down on his lower lip. Eyes darted about the dark-room as he took the phone in both hands, the keys grinding against the metal backing. He opened the app again and scrolled to another chat.

Tharn: Ai'No are you still with Type?
Tharn: He just lined me but isn't responding.

More minutes passed by, he slid his thumb to the call button....


The sound drilled into his head, his breathing becoming shallow with each moment. A pit began to build in his stomach with a knee bounced on the wood floor quickly, his hands rummaging the keyrings as they clinked together sharply.

'Ai'Type if this is a drunk text...' Standing up he grabbed the pants from off the nearby chair sliding them on over his boxers and shoving his phone in their back pocket.

Loud quick steps crossed the room as the bedroom door was launched open nearly hitting the wall. With large strides, he moved through the living room to the front door grabbing his jacket from the nearby hook. Opening and closing the access almost with a slam and briskly walk along the stone driveway.

In front of his car, Tharn looked again at his phone, and AGAIN, flipping between the two conversations, each unread message's. He called both again, and again. Each ending with fruitless acknowledgments. Tharn opened Types chat.

LINE: Type
Tharn: ai'type are you okay
Tharn: answer, please

Then Ai'No's.

Tharn: ai'no is something the matter
Tharn: i can't reach ai'type


His eyes narrowed taking another deep breath as he unlocked the door of his car, tossing the phone in the passenger's seat while jamming the keys into the ignition, starting the car with a sudden turn. The engine revved as he threw it into gear grinding it.

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