Chapter 03: Sweet Dreams

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"I'll be right back."

Tharn's words wavered in Type's ears as his mind drifted into a heavy memory but not his heavy memory.

'Ai'Type. I'm here. It's okay.'

The voice danced in his mind, a presence watched, was near him but he could not see it, his head was lead and his arms stone. Reaching out he awoke to the dusk of evening. In his hand's grasp was a familiar one.

Tharn sat next to him at the edge of the bed, looking at the other with a gentle look. Type was laying on his side his hand gripping tightly to the others. Type steadied his breath as feeling returned to his mind.

"Can you tell me what happened, I didn't look at the memory stick, but I ca-"

"It was... I was okay..." Type turned his gaze away from Tharn for a moment burring his head in the pillow. "Until I wasn't, it all came back." The words choked in his throat as he pulled himself up to sit behind Tharn, wrapping his arms around the strong waist and burying his face in Tharn's shoulder.

Tharn clasped his hands atop Type's gently caressing the other's skin.

"I don't remember getting home... remember texting...then you were there..." Type spoke with broken breaths.

Tears painted the back of Tharn's shirt as Type's stifled breaths echoed through his body.

"It was a nightmare...that room." Type inhaled sharply and exhaled quickly with a cough as his body began to tremble. "My skin was crawling, I lost my breath for a moment... the smell from then came to my mind..." Type's voice wavered. "I wanted to throw up...but he made it... we time..." Images of the run-down room, the camera, the three men, Ae beating Trump within an inch of his life, and Pete's form mixed together before Types' vision.

Tharn shifted his body and Type's to face each other. Type looked at him with a tearful smile as Tharn reached pulling him in close.

"He..." Type wheezed "Didn't have to carry that too.." Tears began flowing even more heavily as his body tensed, his hands gripping coarsely to Tharn's shirt. "Ae's a good kid..."

Type buried himself in Tharn's shoulder and neck as the other hugged him tightly stifling a scream he cried for what felt like ages to him until exhaustion found himself lying back in bed. His eyes stared blankly at the ceiling, next to him the sound of paper rustled as he looked to see Tharn reading a well-worn book. His eye line followed Tharn's arm until he realized that Tharn was holding his hand. Type smiled as he gently squeezed the other's hand.

Tharn looked to the other. "Think you can eat something?"

Type's eyes took in the other, the room was only lit from Tharn's side casting him in a warm glow. "Still trying to lure me with food."

Setting down the book Tharn chuckled as he combed back the hair of the other, leaning in he landed a soft kiss just above the eyebrows. "You already know the answer to that." Tharn drew a wicked smile on his face.

Type watched Tharn disappear into their kitchen and return after a time with a bowl of congee and a spoon. Shifting Type managed to sit up. Tharn sat on the edge of the bed as the two shared the bowl until it was finished.

"Thank you." Type cleared his throat.

Tharn crawled in beside the other laying down he reached out to Types arm and gently tugged him to himself.

Following the sense, he scooted next to Tharn as he spooned the other, each hand wrapping in the other's fingers. Tharn nuzzled the back of Type's hair.

"Anything more I can do?"

The words tickled Type's neck as he pulled Tharn closer to himself.

"Just one."


Tharn smiled as he softly kissed the back of his lover's neck worming his way as far as he could under the shirt down to his shoulder blade. Type leaned into the kisses each one sending electricity down his spine, he moved to face the other. Tharn's eyes glistened as he took in Types face leaning forward their lips locked. Tharn took Types lower lip between his own as he tugged than dancing his tongue along with the other's upper lip he moved passed it as the tongue of the other danced into his own. Tharn ran his hands through Types hair as their lips sealing each other's mouths breaking for mere moments as their breaths quickened.

Types body warmed as his hands ran under Tharn's shirt, with Tharn's hands following down Types neck and the other under his shirt.

"Ai'Sat!" Type broke the kiss, his chest heaved unevenly, his shoulders trembled as he let his head fall into the pillow under him.

Tharn let out a hearty chuckle as he brushed aside the mass of Types hair from his face. "I could always." Tharn looked lower on Type.

"Asshole Tharn!" his lips curled as Type threw a fist to Tharn's chest as his wrist was stopped, Tharn laid back and pulled him close laying Type half on his chest.

Tharn smiled to the other as he kissed Type's head tenderly, with the hand behind Type he brushed aside the bangs that again fell in the eyes of the other. He felt the muscles of the other shaking, his smile faded as he focused on Type's face. "I shouldn't have."

"No I...want to.." Type looked up at the other with a cheeky smile his eyes half-closed and planted a small kiss on his lover's lower cheek with lips lingered.

"I'm not going anywhere, there will always be laters." Tharn smiled as he wrapped his arms around Type.

Type nestled his head down relaxed on Tharns chest, against his ear Tharns chest rose and fell evenly, the coldness and stiffness of his body began to melt as his body clung to the other. On his back, he could feel Tharn's thumb traveling against his shoulder softly caressing. His eyes began to droop as the sounds of the room narrowed until all he heard was Tharn's breath near his ear. A warm white haze overtook his senses as he drifted.

"Sweet dreams Ai'Type. Sweet dreams."

(The end! <3)

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