Chapter 02: Just Return Okay?

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Morning rays crept in beyond the curtained windows. Inside the sheltered room, neither form moved, a light blanket haphazardly covered each of their laps as their breathing fell and rose together. Cars outside buzzed by as the city around them drove to life without them.

Tharn's eyes blinked open as a horn honked somewhere distantly, to his right he found Types head rising and falling with his own breath. Out of the corners of his eyes, he could make out the tensed face of the other. Slowly he reached the hand that was pinned behind, gently he touched Type's head and began to comb the other's hair. "It's okay Ai'Type, I'm here, It's okay." He repeated the mantra slowly and calmly. On his other hand, he could feel the grip of Type's hand tense and loosen in his own. "No more bad dreams okay?" He kissed the top of Types head.

Types grip began to release as his shoulders slump with his tensed face falling away. Tharn continued to caress the hair of the other as his lips curled into a melancholy smile while his brows furrowed on his own face.


Tharn's eyes shot to the phone on the coffee table, a blank screen, his eyes glanced at his jacket pocket and then at Type who moaned at the noise while he dug his head into Tharn's shoulder.

"I'm here Ai'Type. Shh." He cooed as he slowly released the others hand, the now free hand twisted carefully and grabbed the phone from his pocket.

LINE Techno: Message (3)

Tharn unlocked the phone and opened the app locating the source of the disturbance's avatar.


Techno: Hoie! Sorry just saw messages(read)                                                                                                           Techno: Got crazy last night (read)                                                                                                                                 Techno: You find Ai'Type? He was heading home. (read)

Tharn: Weren't you drinking, did you guys get into a fight? (read)

Techno: sorta. not ai'type, one of nongs, it's well a long story. (read)                                            

Techno: It's sorted now, no worries. ai' type can tell you later, he's with you right? (read)

Tharn: He's here. Sleeping. Glad it's worked itself out. (read)

Techno:'Tharn, never mind let Ai'Type call me when he's up. (read)

Tharn: Sure. (read)

Tharn turned off the screen as he shook his head slightly depositing the phone near him on the sofa. Rubbing his own neck a bit he returned his hand to Type's within his own again his thumb hoving over the raw red skin of the other's thumb. Types head dipped slightly as Tharn reached to catch it...

"Ai'Tharn...!" Types eyes flinched openly as he sucked air in heavily, his body tense as he lay his arm out to prop himself up only to have his elbow fold in on him. Tharn's arm caught him halfway and gently lifted him back to leaning against the back of the sofa.

"Ai'Type." Tharn voice was soft as he looked over the other one hand cupping Type's cheek and the other holding his shoulder.

Type's eyes flew about the room unfocused until they followed the warmth that came from his face that brushed his face welcomingly.

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