|ch.3| Finger Remedy

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{Murdoc's POV}

{Next day}

"All right, all right. Everyone sit down..." Mr. Albarn said.

"You better be prepared for presenting your beginning ideas. I'll be taking volunteers." Me and the rest of my group sat still. I knew none of us would want to volunteer.

"Alright then..." Mr. Albarn gruffed, "...you guys go first." He randomly pointed at a group of blondes. They slowly made their way up, and as they presented, I began to realize that they were a knock-off version of the spice girls. No originality.

"This isn't a good start..." Albarn mumbled. He continued to move on from group to group. There was a great lack of originality. Some groups copied ideas of popular artists. Others just made up a generic, cliche band name. Most groups chose the theme pop, some chose rap or hip-hop, very few chose rock. Here and there, there were some pretty good band ideas. I was getting a bit nervous. I guess me and my group weren't the only people to put some good thought into the project.

"Alright, Murdoc. Your group." Mr. Albarn stated.

 " A'right then. Lets go." I said. We made our way to the front, slightly nervous. I had a constant fear that our idea would be rejected, mostly because it was different. Something rarely heard of. 

I let out a short cough before starting, "Our band name is the 'Gorillaz'," I started, "We are an experimental band, but we mostly work with 'Alternative Rock', 'Hip-hop', and 'Electronica'."

"2d will be lead vocals and keyboardist, Russel is our drummer, Noodle is our guitarist, and I'm the bassist and self-proclaimed leader." I chuckled, the rest of the three giggling along with me quietly. It had become an inside joke between our group.

I ended, waiting for a response from Mr. Albarn.

"Alright then!" Mr. Albarn exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "Love the idea quite frankly. An 'Experimental Band' you say?" He rubbed his chin.

"The name is quite unique too. Has a ring to it," He added, "I expect some godly song to come from this group, live up to that wonderful name you've come up with."

I and the rest grinned to ourselves and sat back down. Other groups continued to come up, presenting their ideas.

Cliche. Cliche. Interesting. An okay Idea. Cliche. Boring. Cliche. 

That's how the rest of the class continued, students labeling band ideas in their heads.


The bell let out a loud ring, causing everyone to shoot up and collect their stuff. "Should we have a break today and continue tomorrow?" I asked. 

"Sure!" Noodle smiled and nodded. Russel hummed along with her. "Me and Noods will be heading off then. I've got some money on me so I think we'll go to the arcade or something." Russel said, waiting in the classroom doorframe. 

"What about you songbird?" I turned towards 2d. He perked his head up a bit. "Um- I-I don' really know." He slipped his bag over his shoulders after zipping it up. Noodle did the same and skipped over to Russel. "See ya' guys later!" She waved and they were gone.

"Hang out with me Dents?" I asked. He paused for a second. "Sure," he hummed, "nothin' else better to do." We made our way down the hallway and out the school in a relaxing silence. He followed me to my Stylo and hopped in. 

It was late August and was pretty hot for today, so I rolled down the windows and turned the engine on. I drove out onto the street and decided we would just ride around a bit. I began tapping my fingers on the steering wheel to a remedy I was making. I hadn't had any lyrics planned for it yet. 

"Oh Stylo," I heard 2d sing quietly, "...go forth, blossom in your soul." I continued to tap my fingers on the steering wheel. He perked his head towards me a bit and gave a soft smile.

"When you know your heart is light," He continued, "Electric is the love..." He hummed with me as I continued with my finger remedy.

"When the mako flies, up from the bottom in your eyes..." His voice was so soft, like an angel. I was also quite shocked that he was coming up with these lyrics off the top of his head despite his head injuries.

"Then I know the twilight skies..." He sang, "are not so broken hearted~" He continued to hum a remedy using no words as I tapped my fingers along. We stopped when he couldn't think of any more lyrics. 

"That was honestly breathtaking, songbird." I chuckled. 

"Fanks' Mudz, " he smiled again, "your finger remedy reminded me of your car so I just made up some lyrics." I nodded my head.

"What about parts mentioning love and stuff." His cheeks suddenly dusted with a light pink after hearing my question.

"N-no reason-jus' came up wit' it from the top of mah head."

"Whatever you say, mate."


"Where should we head off to?" I finally asked, taking our sixth lap around the town.  I side-eyed him, watching him think. 

His eyes widened in excitement suddenly, "OH! I totally forgot Mudz!" I raised an eyebrow and waited for him to continue. "In me basement at home, my dads got all this recording studio equipment!"

"It's all this stuff my dad collected over the years. He was really into music himself when he was younger and worked at tons of different music stores over the years." He continued. "My dad works a mechanic job now, I bet he could set it up for us." 

"Really?! Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yeah! I think there's two old microphones and a soundboard attached to some synthesizers the last time I was down there. Its some old equipment, so we'd  have to clean everything before using it..." He rubbed his chin then chuckled.

"It's like we have the biggest advantage in the dumb music project!" He laughed, Me laughing a bit with him.

"Could we check it out?" I asked. His eyes lit up at the question. "Like bloody hell we can! Let's go!" He shouted. 

It felt like slow motion as I hit the gas pedal and flashed a smile at 2d. While the car accelerated, his hair moved graciously and his smile was wide. I could see the empty spaces in his mouth where teeth should be, but that only made his looks more interesting. I felt some fluttery feeling in my chest. 

Suddenly, time had resumed back to normal, and we were off. 


Sorry that this chapter's short! Hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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