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You know how when you think you're close to the truth? Or you are close to your destination, but something wants to get in your way. That obstacle intends to do everything in its power to stir the pot.  Yeah. I'm not too fond of that.

The sunlight beamed through the window, gently brushing my face. I slowly opened my eyes, stretching out my whole body until my hands landed on nothing but the blankets wrapped around my bottom half.

"Rylan?" I looked over, but there was no one beside me. I sat up, glancing around the room. Nothing seemed different nor out of place, so no intruder must have come into the building. I hopped off the bed, settled back into my old clothes, and returned downstairs.

"Rylan?" I called out once again, but there was no response. Meadow came bursting through the door, rushing toward me as she grabbed my shoulders. Her face filled with panic.

"He's gone." She huffed, her chest moving frantically. I furrowed my eyebrows, shaking my head. Rylan couldn't have been gone. There was no way he would have wandered off by himself. Fay wouldn't have taken him, would she?

"You're kidding. You're just playing a prank on me, aren't you? I bet Rylan is standing outside right now, ready for whatever prank you guys pulled." I pushed past her, walking outside, but there was nothing but the trees surrounding the place, the path I had walked to get here, and the sound of a lake nearby.

"I told you. He's gone."

I shook my head and rushed toward the lake. He could have been bathing, considering we haven't cleaned ourselves in a while. But when I got closer, I saw nothing—no clothes on the ground and no sounds indicating someone in the water. Meadow came up to me quietly, letting the situation sink.

"He's gone... he's fucking gone!" There was only one person I could think of that took him away. Fay. That was the only answer. But where did she take him? Who knows.

"Was there anything left? Any letters or clues to where he could have gone?" I questioned, looking over at Meadow. She shook her head, which gave me no confidence whatsoever.

"No, but maybe I wasn't looking quite well enough. But first, you need to clean yourself." Meadow motioned toward the lake. But I could not bring myself to wash, not when my best friend was out somewhere, probably scared. "Ari. I know you are worried, but if you want to find him fast, I need you to get yourself together."

She was right. Of course, she was right. With that in mind, I stripped my clothes off and emerged into the lake, letting the freezing water wash away any dirt or blood from my body.

"I will go back into the cabin and look around again to see if anything was left behind. I will also get you a change of clothes."

"I don't have any spare clothes, though."

"Don't worry. I got something for you." Meadow winked and went off back toward the cabin. I swam around, rubbing my body with my hands since there was no sponge or soap I could wash with, but it was better than feeling dirty.

"You wanna know where your previous friend is?" Someone spoke. I can recognize that voice anywhere. That voice that was practically in my head, in my dreams, tormenting me. Before I could react or say anything, my bottom half was suddenly frozen. Fay laughed, her hand outstretched as if she was doing some witchcraft.

That's when I realized what was happening. She was manipulating the water. Instead of it just being freezing cold, she also was making the water ice to where I couldn't move even if I tried.

"Tick tock. Your friend is waiting." Fay sang out.

"Where is he!?" I gritted my teeth. All I wanted was to rescue him and my parents. To go home and live my everyday life again. If it returns that way.

"Now, why would I tell you something like that? Here, play my game." She moved her hand, and the water turned back to liquid. She placed a piece of paper on the ground before disappearing. I quickly got out of the water as Meadows's figure made her way over.

"What happened?" Meadow rushed over, clothes clutched to her chest. I shook my head, grabbing the piece of paper that turned out to be a map. A map showing exactly where we were supposed to go to find him. Away from the directions of my parents.

"I know where he is."

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