Dragon Brother SCPS?!

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This is a crossover between FTO and SCP Foundation so enjoy!

"Here we are at the next floor." Xylo said. "So what's gonna be on this floor?" Bryan asked while Xylo opened the elevator doors. "I don't remember the SCP numbers but I do know the that there are four of them and their Dragon Brothers." Xylo said walking out of the elevator. "WAIT! Did you say Dragons?!" Kay asked excitedly. "Yes but the two oldest are very overprotective of the youngest." Xylo said. "So we should stay away from them?" Mario asked. "We can try." Xylo said. "So it's time yo be sneakily!" Kay said. "Exactly!" Bryan said.

But little did they know that there was a figure creeping up from behind when they got far enough from the elevator and shot POISON?!


"RUN!" Bryan yelled.

The four started running for dear life. Until Bryan accidentally tripped and fell on to the ground. The figure was standing above Bryan and about to attack him but a voice yelled.


They all turned to the voice and Mario, Xylo, Bryan, and Kay eyes went wide. The person who yelled looked just like Bryan! "Why were you about to attack him?" FTO Bryan asked/yelled. "Because he captured us! And we want to go back home! Alantide!" Mitch replied. "I know but if we kill him we won't be able to go home!" Bryan yelled.

"Oh will you two shut UP!" A man with a yellow bandana yelled and hit them DIRT?! "OW! BUT HE STARTED IT MARIO!" FTO Bryan yelled. "I know but you were yelling and hurting my ears." FTO Mario said. "I have to agree with Mario." The ginger said. "Really Colin?" Mitch and Bryan asked.

"Really!" Colin replied. "HEY! Were do you think your going?!" Mitch asked SCP Bryan, SCP Mario, Xylo, Kay. "Trying to get of this floor!" SCP Bryan yelled. "Yeah I don't think so!" FTO Bryan yelled. "Wait guys I just notice something!" Colin said. "What is it Colin?" FTO Mario asked. "The person Mitch was going to attack looked like Bryan and and the guy in the hoodie looks like you Mario." Colin pointed out. 

"Come to think of it you do look like me." FTO Bryan walking up to SCP Bryan. "Yeah same here." FTO Mario walking up to SCP Mario. "Hey Xylo I have a question." Kayla bear said. "What is it?" Xylo asked. "How in the world did you get another Bryan and Mario?!" Kayla asked. "I was about to ask that. How did you do it?" Mario asked. "Well we are not apost to tell anyone but there's actually a portal on this floor somewere but I don't know where." Xylo said. "Question can we please go home if we find this portal because we have love lives." Mitch said. "Sure but what if we don't?" SCP Bryan asked. "We won't hesitate to kill you." FTO Mario said. "Alright let's go find that portal!" SCP Bryan said. 

Ten minutes later

"Okay this is the last door." Xylo said. "I can't believe we have been looking for this portal for ten minutes!" Colin said. "Let's hope it's behind this door." Kayla Bear said. "Well it has to be right?" FTO Bryan asked. "Yes." Xylo said open the door with his keycard. And inside was the portal. "There it is. The portal." SCP Bryan said. "Thanks for letting us go home." Colin said. "No problem!" SCP Bryan said. "We should get going." Mitch said. 

"Alright bye!"  


"Well on to-"

"On to the next floor!"

"Really Bryan?!"

The End

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