Told You So

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~ Co-Author Note ~
(So today I found out that my ex gave a Xmas gift to another girl slut much and I told my friend I can give less a fuck about him even if he went to go fuck my sister, ran away and died I am not that type a girl so fuck your ass I don't need you and all them girls who are sad just let me tell you. You are awesome you don't need a man just show him you are happy without him I know itight hurt for you girls but you are strong you don't need a man and slap him if you want just remember you are beautiful and awesome)~Lost Souls

Not gonna let you down,let you down easy

You're gonna feel it in side its gonna eat you alive

When I walk away,walk away believe me

The pain will say I Told you so. ~Cassadee Pope~Told you so

Another Author note
(So just girls/guys you are beautiful and just remember you don't need a man to save you comment what you think plz and thanks for all da reads but I can use some votes and all you girls who are heart broken here is a hug *hugs you* and if you need advice I have some I have might not been through everything but I can help bye strawberries stay sweet) ~Julie

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