Chapter 1

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Jungkook pov
takes place right after prolouge

As we held our ending poses, the stage lights eventually turned off as fans screamed and yelled for us not to go. Once we heard the queue in our in-ears, we finally started walking off the stage. Once the adrenaline of performing 22 songs wore off, something else replaced it- hunger. It occurred to me that I forgot to eat before the show. Suddenly I could hear the heartbeat of every person in the stadium and smell nothing but all of their blood.

I tried to focus on walking down the steps of the stage. I heard muffled "good show"s and "good job guys" but all I could think about was the need for blood in my mouth. Once we were officially off stage someone asked, "Jungkookah are you okay?" but I couldnt bring myself to care who it was all I could do was smell the blood that felt like it was casting a spell on me. There was a certain scent that stood out from the rest. More strong, more rich, more sweet.
Yoongi hyung.

I stared at Yoongis neck from about 10 feet away where I was standing, not registering anything else that was happening. "Jungkook?" he asked. I took slow steps forward, not a lot but I couldn't  help myself moving closer to the sweet scent. "Jungkookah whats wrong with you?," manager Sejin asked. "hungry.." was all I could manage to mutter as I inched closer to yoongi who looked uncomfortable as the rest of the members and staff watched.

"Goddammit," said Sejin and suddenly I was being pulled from Yoongi.

All I could register was Sejin yanking me with all his strength down the building until he pushed me into one of the small dressing rooms and locked the door.

"Did you not eat before the show?!"
"Hyung I-"
"Answer me."
He stood there with his arms crossed, looking like a parent who just found out their child failed an exam.
"There wasnt time we came straight from the airport," I reasoned.
Though he already knew, having it confirmed made him scoff and he put his head in his hands in frustration.
"Jungkook we are in the middle of Seoul I don't think theres anything you can f-"
"I'm hungry," I interrupted him as my breathing got heavier.
"Yea yea I know. I can't believe you would be this irresponsible I mean you've done how many conc-"
I was starting to get frustrated.

"If all you're going to do is yell at me then get out," I said.
He looked at me in disbelief.
"Yah! You're th-"
He flinched back and I heard his heartbeat increase. I turned my head to the mirror and i saw the image that I hated more than anything.

My eyes were blood red, I had ugly fangs poking out my lips and all the veins on my neck turned an ugly black.

A realization hit me.
I scared him
"Hyung I'm sorry I just-"

"It's ok," he said, "lets get you out of here we are gonna have to drive out of town to the nearest forest."

He looked around the room and threw some sun glasses, a hat, and (luckily because its fall) a black scarf. After that my memory started to blur as my human side disappeared, the vampire side taking control of me.

Sejin pov

The boys had just finished the last song. One by one they came down from the steps bowing with a chorus "you've worked hard"s and "thank you"s in reply to our good jobs. However, the last one down from the stage, the maknae, stayed silent walking like a zombie. Once he got down to the floor he stood still staring at Yoongi who looked uncomfortable. "Jungkook?" asked Yoongi in confusion, only to me meant with silence.

The staff looked confused and uncomfortable. Jungkook started taking small steps towards Yoongi who was even move confused then before. I walked up to the maknae, "Yah Jungkookah whats wrong with you?" he mummbled a "hungry..."


I muttered a "goddammit" and yanked him away from everyone. I pulled him down the halls into an empty dressing room and locked the door.

[same dialogue lol]

Once he had everything on I opened the dressing room door. I looked to see if anyone was in the hall only to be met with nobody- everyone is probably still behind the stage. I pulled Jungkook out and with my two hands on each of his shoulders and I quickly made our way to the parking garage. We passed a confused female staff who asked, "Sejin-nim? Jungkookssi? where are you going?"
"..uhh" I replied.
think fast think fast
"Anxiety attack."
"Oh..." she said
"Yea im taking him to the dorms early"
"Oh feel better Jungkookssi!" she said to a maknae who was most likely registering nothing but the smell of her blood.

Once we made it to the parking garage, I went to the closest van, threw Jungkook in the back back seat, and drove out of there. I quickly got on the freeway at a probably unsafe speed, and started driving out of town to the nearest forest outside of Seoul. I could hear Jungkook's breathing getting heavier. "Hungry.." he said, more like groaned.

"Yea yea I know I'm working on it"

Later into the drive he was sounding even less like Jungkook, his voice lower and his feral side coming out.

"Ok we are almost there be ready to jump out when I pull up"
"Have you ever smelled Yoongi hyung's blood?" he said in a semi growl with a creepy smile on his face.
"Yah Jungkookah dont talk like that."

"Hyung his blood- it smells different than anything else its so rich and so sweet" I looked in the rearview mirror and saw his eyes getting redder as the veins on his neck got darker talking about his hyung's blood.
"Imagine how good it tastes imagine how smooth his blood will feel going down your throat"
I ignored him and drove faster.

By the time I made it to the forest there were scratch marks all over the backseat and before I could even park Jungkook was swinging the door open, running away at a speed that would not be possible for any human.

About ten minutes later while I was texting Bang pd about some made up anxiety attack and bringing Jungkook home, I saw Jungkook emerge slowly from the trees. He was stumbling and staring at the ground. As he made his way closer to the car, I could see the crimson red stains all over his shirt and chin.

I stepped out of the car and I could clearly see him crying as the tears mixed with the red on his chin. His red eyes and fangs had disappeared but the black veins on his neck were still fading. His sobs got heavier as he approached me as I opened my arms to hug him.

I wrapped my arms around him as he sobbed harder.
"T- the deer," his voice was cracked "Hyung the deer was so scared and I just- I ju-"
"Shhh" i said as i patted his back.
You'd think after almost 22 years of having to eat living things to survive he would be used to it but his love for animals and sensitive heart always came back to him.

I looked at him and I saw the same 13 year old trainee I found crying next to the dumpster on the side of the bighit building next to a dead rat who "had a family and kid" and who "deserved to live."

"Hyung I'm a monster"
"Don't say that"
"Hyung I don't deserve anything I have I just kill innocent creatures I'm a monster I-"
He sobbed more.
"Let's get you cleaned up okay? And then you can go home and cuddle with your hyungs and Yoongi hyung"
He sobbed louder at the sound of Yoongi's name.

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