Chapter Thirty Three: Big Sister

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"Mom?" Janie asked. "Are you alright?"

Whitley shook her head. "I don't think so. I think these babies are coming today. Call your father."

Janie nodded and grabbed the phone.
He answered on the first ring. "Dad? Come home now. Mom is in labor. I don't know what to do."

"I'll be right there Janie. Stay by your mother's side. She is going to need you."

Janie hung up the phone and knelt beside her mom. "I'm here mom. Dad is on his way. I can't believe they are coming today. I am so ready to hold them."
Janie cooed at her baby sisters as she held them both in her arms.

Julianna Kate Griffin and Johanna Blaire Griffin. Her baby sisters. Born on November 1, 2014. Three minutes apart.

"Hey little girls," she said to them both. "I am your big sister, Janie. Listen. I am very new at this. Don't be too upset if I mess something up. It won't be on purpose. I love you two more than you will ever know. I will always protect you, and I will teach you wrong from right. I am so ready to watch you grow." She leaned forward and kissed their small heads. Pulling back she wrinkled her nose. "Ew, mom. I think Julie pooped."

Cooper laughed and took Julianna from her arms. "Mean ole sissy. Saying my precious angel stinks. Daddy can fix that though. Yes he can."

Whitley smiled from the bed. "Now this is a sight. My wonderful husband and my three beautiful daughters. I think I can get used to this."

Janie wrinkled her nose again. "Seriously, Joey? Did you have to copy your sister?" She turned to her mom and gagged. "Can you seriously grow used to this smell? I don't think I ever will."

Cooper finished with Julianna and placed her into her mother's arms. "Come on my sweet Joey. Let's stop making big sister gag over here."

Janie laughed. "Yes. Please. I may be the big sister, but I am not on diaper duty. No way."

Cooper laughed. "Alright little Whitley. No diaper duty. Just be the big sister. That is all they need you to be."

Janie shrugged and nodded. "Works for me. I will be big sister. Big sister Janie. That is who I will be."

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