Two Worlds Apart(American Horror Story Asylum)

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It was autumn i loved how the leaves changed during the season i gazed out of my window watching each leaf fall gently to the ground. I sighed and turned around to continue finish packing since i was going to go help out my aunt Jude at Briarcliff Mental Institution for a couple of months until my parents pick out a husband for me to marry when i return.To tell you the truth im not ready to settle down all i want is to explore all the world but my family would think i've gone mad if i even brought the idea up.

"Violet you're cab is here" i heard my mother through the door "Coming mother" i grabbed my suitcase and opened the door to see my mother crying. "oh mother everything will be okay i'll only be gone for a couple of month's" i went up to her and hugged so tight not wanting to let her go.

My father walked up to us and pulled me away from my mother "stop you're crying! now remember to thank you're aunt Jude for taking you in these couple of month's until we find a rich wealthy young man for you" i shook my head in disbelief on how my father could care less of my happiness"I will father".

I started heading towards the cab not before looking back at the home i've had since i was born hot tears started to form i quickly wiped them away before entering the cab,"Where to miss?" said the old cab driver who looked like he was in his 60's "to Briarcliff Mental Institution" he gave me a werid worried look through the rear view window.

"You know that place is for psychopath's and the insane and you look perfectly normal to me" i looked out the window so i would'nt see the old man looking at me "im just going to go help out my aunt who is in charge at  Briarcliff" he looked at the road then back at me "so you're sister Jude's niece?" he gave me this creepy look.

"Well looks like we are here" we pulled up to this huge black gate a man walked up to the window "who are you here to see?" i lowered the window and poped my head out "im sister Jude's niece violet" he checked his list and nodded for us to enter the premises.We pulled up infront of the building it had so many windows it looked so gigantic from the outside by it seemed very sad and depressing.

The cab driver had opened the door for me as i steped out i felt a sudden chill run down my spine as if this place was hiding a secret. "Here you missy" he handed me my suitcase "Now you becareful i heard they are going to bring the serial killer Bloody Face here" i turned are in an instant "Bloody face?" he nodded and got into his cab and drove off.

"Play with me!!" a deformed little girl walked up to me giving me a white rose"Ouch!" the rose had struck my finger cause it to bleed. "Pepper leave the young lady alone" said a woman who looked like she was a couple years older then me my guess is that she was a nun by the way she was dressed in a long black gown.

"It's okay she's not bothering me" i smiled at Pepper "well she drowned her sister's baby and cut off his ear's" i glanced back at Peper then back at the nun.

"Im sister Mary Eunice and you are?" she smiled a softly "im sister Jude's niece Violet" we shook each otther's hand "we have been waiting for you violet sister Jude tell's us that you are going to be helping us out with the's patient's" I turned to the sound of a police car entering the property "oh my i have to notice sister jude at once" said sister Mary Eunice as she ran off into the building.

I stood on the foot steps of the building as everyone ran outside to see the new arrival of a new patient. The police officer's started pulling out someone out of the car everyone started swarming around and photographers started taking picture's then a young man with Dark short curly hair and dark brown eyes was being dragged by the officer's into the asylum but before he entered he gave me his sweet innocent look.

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