Our Little Secret..

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After our special incounter in the kitchen me and Kit got much closer we started having secret meetings in an old room that was used for storage we would meet every night after kitchen duty it would be just the two of us alone in the old dusty room making love and afterward's we would just lay there in each other's arms and talk about our future together outside of Briarcliff.

"Violet I swear to you that once everyone realizes that im innocent and im released from Briarcliff you and me are going to be together for alway's and no one will separate us" he pulled me into his bare chest

"Not even my father?" I looked up to Kit worried at the fact that my Father was looking for someone rich to marry me just for money.

"No one! i love you more then my own life to let anyone take you away from me" he kissed the top of my head and pulled me closer to him.

"Kit Walker you make the most happiest girl in the whole world!! " i reached up to his face brining his lips towards mines and we both started kissing each other passionately,when we both heard a noise coming from the hallway.

"What was that?" i asked Kit as i stoped kissing him and turned my head over to the door.

"It's probably a patient roaming around...it's okay Violet no one is going to catch us you and me are perfectly fine in here" he started kissing my neck but i just stood up covering my self with an old blanket.

"Kit we should leave already im just afraid if someone catches us and we both could get in a lot of trouble" i glanced at Kit then turned to grab my clothes from the ground and started changing into them as Kit stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Fine but tomorrow after my session with Thredson i Kit Walker would love if you Violet Martin joined me for another romantic evening" he started kissing my neck again he knew that when he did that i would easily give in to him.

"I would Love too Mr.Walker but right now we both need to hurry up and change...you need to go to the common room and I need to go meet my aunt Jude for dinner" i turned to him and threw him his uniform as i continued to change.

Once we were both done changing i tuned to kit kissed him on his soft lips and instructed him to wait five minutes after i left the room for himself to leave.Just as i left the old dusty room i made my way to the kitchen and saw my aunt sitting alone.

"Where have you been?!!" my aunt asked me as i walked to sit down infront of her.

"I was in the common room" i started pouring a milk into my empty glass not wanting to look at my aunt.

"No you were not because i went looking for you and i asked sister Mary Eunice who told she saw you and Kit Walker entering a room together and not coming out for an hour!!" she stood up and threw the glass plates and cups off the table.

"Aunty Judy me and....."I could'nt say anything i started crying because i started to fear my aunt she seems so diffrent from the one i use to talk about boys with.

"DONT YOU AUNTY JUDY ME!!....WHAT WOULD YOU'RE FATHER THINK OF YOU IF YOU ENDED UP PREGNANT WITH BLOODY FACE CHILD!!" she started pacing back and forth,mumbling random word's to her self.

"Aunty Judy....i love Kit and i would'nt care what you or my father or anyone else would think if i was pregnant with his child" i stood up from my chair and walked towards my aunt as she started crying.

"YOU'RE CRAZY!!!! HE'S JUST GOING TO HURT YOU!!!! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND ALL MEN ARE THE SAME!!!" she started slapping me and threw me to the ground.

"You're the one that's crazy aunt Jude....and you're wrong about Kit he's not the same as other men" i got up from the ground and ran to my room.


I woke up and got dressed and ran to the Kitchen to make sure kit was on Kitchen duty once i entered the Kitchen i noticed he was'nt in the same corner he would always be in smoking while doing nothing,So i ran to the common room and scanned the entire room but still no Kit.Then it hit me he must be in a session with Thredson so i made my way to his office.

"Dr. Thredson?" i knocked on the door.

"Yes....oh Ms.Violet may i help you with anything?" his eyes kepted looking at me from head to toe it felt as if his eyes were violating me so i button up my dark blue cardigan sweater.

"Im looking for Kit Walker...do you know where he is?" i crossed my arms and held back the tears that were about to start to form just by mentioning his name.

"You have'nt heard what you're aunt did?" he got closer to me as i stepped back.

"What did she do?" i asked worried for Kit.

"She ordered for Kit to go under the knife so for right now she looked him up in solitary" he looked upset and worried just the way i felt.

"Dr.Thredson you have to help Kit!! he should'nt go through this!!! please!!! help him!!!" i grabbed Thredson's arms begging him to help Kit.

"Violet im not Kit's Doctor anymore it's already my time to leave Briarcliff....im sorry" i let go of his arms and shook my head at him and ran to my aunt Jude's office.

"Aunt Jude!!!!" i bursted through her office door crying in hot tears.

"Violet...what's wrong with you? why are you crying?" she got up from her desk and walked over to me closing the door behind us and made me sit down.

"Aunt Jude....please.....please...don't....make..Kit go under the knife it's my fault that i slept with him and i've sinned!!!" i kneeled infront of my aunt pleading to her.

"Calm down my child you know the lord will forgive everyone and he won't be angry with you...but you must stop seeing Kit Walker remember he was married and you must of waited until the night of you're wedding to be with you're husband not some murder" she lifted my face and wiped away the tears from my face.

"I promise aunt Jude i won't get near Kit anymore just please don't make him go through this everyone deserve's a second chance" i looked her straight in the eye and placed my hand over her's.

"Youre right my dear...but remeber don't brake you're promise you must stay away from Kit Walker" she re-sured me.

"Thank's Aunt Jude and i will keep my promise...."i got up from my seat and hugged my aunt and made my way to the common room.


I was sitting down next to the door as i watched the patient's in there own little worlds i could'nt take it i needed to see him entering the room and admiring him from a distance.The suddenly i saw Kit entering the room with a cigarrette on his lips.

"Violet!!" he ran towards me but was stopped by two men who did'nt look like they worked here.

"Kit Walker you're under arrest for the murders of Donna Barnet,Allison Rilde,and Alma Walker" one of the older men grabbed Kit and put hand cuffs on his wrists that's when i knew they were arresting Kit.

"Where's Thredson you need to talk to him!!" Kit looked at the older cop.

"No we don't we have his evaluation with you're tape confession" the older man answered Kit and started dragging him out of the room.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!! WAIT!!! PLEASE! LET HIM GO HE'S INNOCENT!!!" I ran after them and started pulling off the cops but i was pulled away by the nurses.

"KIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i yelled for him as the nurses tryed to hold me back.

"VIOLET!!!! LET ME TALK TO HER!!!!" he screamed out for me as the cops kept dragging him away from my view.

"KIT!!!!!!!" i called for him once more before everything around me went dark.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2013 ⏰

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