Late night [Horror] {Part 2}

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Late night.

Outside the train station.

Kai: I think this is dangerous.

Kris: Why would it be dangerous?

Kai: I just think so.

Kris: ....?!

Sehun: Lulu~

Luhan: :D

Xiumin: *sees bottles and papers everywhere* Who did this?!

D.O: *sleep walking*

Lay: *Sleep walking too*

Baekhyun: .______.

Chen: Leader hyung~

Suho: ... Why is everything getting weird!?

< Suddenly Chanyeol heard someone calling Luhan's name. Luhan also heard it. The two of them only heard it for the other members were busy talking >

Chanyeol: A SASAENG!!! :D

Luhan: -____-

Chanyeol: LETS FIND IT OUT!!!

Luhan: *Holds Chanyeol wrist* Don't go.

Chanyeol: *Sings their song /Don't Go/*

Luhan: I'm serious.

Chanyeol: FINE :^

Kai: I heard a lady whispering...

Tao: *crying*

Kris: Ssshhh... Tao it's okay~

Kai: She said....

Suho: O_O

Kai: TAO POOPS!!! *Bursts into laughter*

Tao: -_____-

Sehun: O_______O

D.O: *Wakes up and slaps Kai for hundred times*

Kai: ;_____; *cries*

Xiumin: Uh, lets start walking now.

Chen: Hyung yo, what about lets ride bicycles? :D *points at the bicycles that were parked*

Xiumin: NO.

Chen: D:

< Suddenly a black cat passed by >

D.O: O____O

Kai: Well great, this is a bad luck.

Tao: How do you know? :D

Kai: That's a superstitous belief man! ;)

Luhan: Sehun~

< Sees a market at the corner >

Suho: I never knew there's a market here.

Xiumin: When we passed by a while ago, I didn't noticed that.

Lay: *Still sleep walking*

Kris: Lets check it out!!! >:D

Sehun: I'm hungry hyung .___.

Kai: Maybe we can buy some food hyung.

Suho: *Walks towards the market*

Sehun: This is strange. Wait, does Lay have a watch?

Lay: zzzzzz......

Sehun: ...

Kai: We're the evil maknaes, lets wake him up in a DIFFERENT WAY >:)

Sehun: (( Xiumin hyung!!!))

Kai: *Kicks Lay's leg then laughs*

Lay: -_____- What......?

Kai: Do you have a watch? :D

Lay: what.

Kai: I said do you have a watch? :)

Lay: Aaaaaaa......aaaaa....WHAT?

Kai: ..... DO YOU HAVE A FREAKING WATCH!?!?!? -_____-

Lay: Aaaaa....aaaaa....

< 5 mins. Later >

Lay: Aaaaaa.....aaaaa....

Kai: ...?

Sehun: Lets just enter the market .___.

Inside the market.

Kris: Why are there no people here too!?

Tao: *cries* I wanna go home!!!!

Xiumin: Luhan *gives him mayo*


Sehun: You're not even manly~

Luhan: ;_____; *crying* Really? :(

Sehun: *Laughs*

Luhan: :'(

Kris: Lets buy some food.

Suho: Okay *nods*

Chanyeol: Where are the others!?

Chen: Lay, Kai and Sehun were outside.

Chanyeol: Ohhhh...

Xiumin: Wait, stop...

Everyone: *Freezed*

Xiumin: Did you hear that?

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