Sehun -___-

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Sehun -___- .

Luhan: Why do you always repeat twice the first syllable of the name of a person? Like Lulu.

Sehun: Oh well. I call everyone like that *Winks*

Luhan: Uh...

Sehun: ...

Luhan: So Xiumin would be?

Sehun: XiuXiu. Or MinMin.

Luhan: ...

Sehun: Kris would be KriKri. Or it could be IsIs.

Luhan: *smiles*

Sehun: Suho would be SuSu or HoHo.

Luhan: Oh.

Sehun: Lay would be LaLa or AyAy.

Luhan: *Holds laughter*

Sehun: Baekhyun is, BaekBaek or HyunHyun. *winks*

Luhan: Baekhyun? *grins*

Sehun: Chen is... CheChe or EnEn.

Luhan: -___-

Sehun: Chanyeol is ChaCha, ChanChan or YeolYeol... It can be OlOl.

Luhan: *Grins widely*

Sehun: D.O uhmn... KyungKyung.

Luhan: ...

Sehun: Tao would be TaTa or AoAo.

Luhan: Kai?

Sehun: Kaka.

Luhan: *chuckles*

Sehun: What.

Luhan: SeSe? :D

Sehun: I guess.

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