The big problem

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The Big Problem {chapter 40}

Nathan knew Stana liked romantic and he definitely planned on making this date night romantic and magical.
Back at home Stana called Tamala.
"Hello." Tamala said when she picked up.
"Hey Tams. It's me Stana." Stana said and held Chris on her hands.
"Heyy. What's up honey?" Tamala asked immediately cheered up when she heard her friend's voice.
"Uhm I wanted to ask you if you could come over to help me with hair and make up because Nathan asked me to go on a date with him tonight." Stana asked and bit her lip.
"Ooh, girl does he love you! Yes, sure. I'll be there in twenty." Tamala laughed.
"Great. Thank you." Stana said and hung up.
Stana turned Chris around so he was looking right into his eyes. As soon as the little boy saw her mother's face he smiled brightly.
"Your auntie Tamala is coming over, little monkey." Stana smiled and stroked little boy's cheek. He giggled and stretched her arms towards Stana.
Stana smiled and together they went downstairs to the living room to wait for Tamala.

Nathan arrived in front of Jon's house and knocked on his door.
He waited a few seconds until the door opened.
"Hey Nathan." Jon greeted him and opened the door more so Nathan could enter.
"Hey Jon. Tonight's the night." Nathan said anxious.
"Yeah. So, you have already everything planned?" Jon asked and went to kitchen to grab a beer.
"Yeah I just need to get dressed and buy her flowers. Then I'll pick her up and we'll go to a small Italian place." Nathan said and leaned against the kitchen counter.
"Man, oh, man. Do you love her?" Jon asked turning to Nathan.
"Why, of course I do."
"Will you ever hurt her intentionally?"
"What?! Of course not!!"
"Good cuz I have to have you know that if you ever hurt her your nose will have a very close encounter with my fist." Jon said looking so damn serious.
Nathan gulped and nodded. When Jon saw Nathan's frightened expression he burst into laughter Nathan just stood there dumbfounded.
"Calm down bro. I know you'd never hurt her and I know you love her. Chill." Jon said and hugged Nathan manly. When Jon released him Nathan sighed, shook his head but laughed.
"Come on. Get ready. I'm sure your girl is waiting for ya." Jon said and Nathan listened and went to get changed.

"Wow, you look like an angel, sweetie." Tamala said when Stana came down the stairs to the living room. They did her hair into lazy curls cascading around her face. Her makeup was light just to multiply her natural beauty. The dress fit her as if it was made just for her. She was wearing 6-inch black stilettos and had a black clutch. When Chris saw her mommy he stretched his arms out towards her and giggled.
"Thank you Tams. Do you think he will like it?" Stana asked biting her bottom lip.
"Honey, he's head over heels with you. He loves it even when you're wearing old sweatpants and an oversized T-shirt." Tamala said and gave her the famous 'Lanie-look'.
Just when Stana was about to say something the door bell rang.
"Oh my god, it's him." Stana said suddenly nervous.
"Calm down honey. I'll open the door." Tamala said trying to calm down her friend.
Stana nodded and went to Chris.
"Hey Nathan." Tamala said when she opened the door.
"Oh hey. Is Stana ready?" Nathan asked holding a big bouquet of red roses.
"Hi babe." Stana said when she appeared in the door.
When he saw her his jaw fell to the bottom. Tamala winked and gave Stana the 'I-told-you-he'll-love-it' look. Stana shyly tugged a lock of her hair behind her ear and looked at the ground.
"Wow. Stana, you're ...just wow. So gorgeous." Nathan whispered when he finally found his voice.
"Thank you." Stana said shyly.
"Oh here, these are for you." Nathan said and gave her the roses. Stana took them and brought her nose to smell them.

"Thank you, love. Let me just put them in the water and we will go." Stana said only to be stopped by Tamala.
"Uh-uh. You two go, I'll take care of the roses and Chris." Tamala said and smiled at them.
"Really? Thank you. All the important numbers are at the fridge. You have both mine and Nathan's number. Chris had already eaten but in case he was hungry there is bottle of milk in the fridge so just make sure it's warm enough before he drinks it." Stana said but was shushed by Nathan's finger at her lips.
"Honey, I'm sure Tam know everything already. Now come on. The chariot awaits you, m'lady." Nathan said and kissed her hand.
Tamala nodded reassuringly and with that the couple went to the night for their date.

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