Agent Status: Addetta Corella

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Name: Corella, Addetta

Age: 16

Family:  Father: Corella, Adam  Mother: Corella, Valerie Siblings: Unknown

Height: 5 feet, 8 inches

Description: Brunette hair, green eyes, some freckles across the nose, generally wears all-black. Always seen wearing black leather combat boots and a leather jacket. Note: wears multiple necklaces. Has silver piercings in eyebrows and lips.

Powers: Classified

Level: Classified

Team: Classified

Life Status: Unknown

Whereabouts: Unknown

Other: Tattoo of a snake, named "Scalen", that can be summoned to life. Mentally connected to Agent Corella. Has an interest in the Occult, possible using the Occult for personal uses.

Agent Corella is considered a threat to S.H.I.E.L.D and is therefore listed on the Index. If seen as an immediate threat to S.H.I.E.L.D or human life, eliminate on sight. This order is issued by a Level 10 agent and must be athuorised by a Level 10 agent.

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