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"Good job, buddy." I told Corbyn who smiled a little relieved.

"Well that was do-" His eyes turned to his phone but went wide immediately.

"Who is it?" Zach asked confused.

"I-it's my m-mom." He stuttered. "She must of seen the post. But how?" He wondered.

"Maybe she has her postnotfications on. My mom has it too." Jack shrugged, having Daniel to nod along too.

Corbyn took a deep breath, looking over at the sleeping Skyler before accepting the call.

"Yes?" A loud voice was heard through the whole car and Corbyn instantly held his phone away from his ear. "Mom please, I can explai- mom! Just listen to me for once!" He paused, hearing something he definitely didn't like. "How can you even say that about your own daughter?!" He stopped the call a few seconds later, being really pissed off.

"Corbyn? You okay buddy?" Jack carefully asked.

"Okay? My mom just called Skyler things I would never dare to say about or to, anyone. I don't even dare to say them out loud!" Corbyn shouted slightly but calming down when he saw Sky flinch in her sleep by his raised voice. "I can't believe my mom. I thought I knew her." He sighed and covered his face with his hands.

Minutes later we all were driving in silence, being interupted by the same noise as earlier.

Corbyn's phone.

"I swear if that's my dad or Jordan I'm gonna- oh it's Christina." He sighed out a little relieved and took a few deep breaths before answering the call, not wanting to raise his voice, or lay out all his anger on Christina. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It was all in a rush and- no I get that, really. It was just not the right timing, for all of us. I first had to make things right with Skyler before I wanted to make everything public." He only nodded and listened after. "Sure, talk to you later. Bye," He crept out a small smile and a soft laugh. "Love you too." We all smiled at him when he ended the phone call and laid his head back relieved.

"Not all the reactions are bad." Zach smiled. Corbyn nodded.

"Give your parents and Jordan some time and ask Ashley once in a while how everything is going." Daniel adviced.

"Yeah and if you don't wanna call her yourself, then you can ask Skyler. She Face Times Ashley every day." I suggested. Daniel snickered while the other three raised their eyebrow at me.

"How do you know?" I blushed a little and looked away.

"I uh- I-I pay attention." I cleared my throat as I felt a couple smirks find their way to me.

"Maybe a little too much." I felt a darker shade of red colouring my face even more, feeling a little caught.

"Well if you need any help..." Zach smirked lightly.

"What can you do? You're only a child." Jack chuckled.

"I know how to get the ladies." Zach pouted offended.

"Zach, the only girls who visit your house are the friends from Reese. And no, they don't like, or have a crush on you." Daniel chuckled.

"Don't forget Ryan's girly friends." Jack laughed. Zach glared playfully to him from the front seat and huffed.

"Awhhh buddy," Corbyn laughed. "I believe in you. As long as you stay away from my little sister with those thoughts." Zach chuckled.

"Don't worry, she's all Jonah's." I smacked the back of his head, making the rest laugh.

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