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Skyler's pov

I felt relieved when I saw the boys enter the kitchen. Jonah first walked up to Caleb but then immediately to me. He kneeled down and sighed.

"Come here." He slowly pulled me closer and started to stroke my hair. "You're gonna be okay. Let's take a few deep breaths together, alright?" I listened to him and we took a few deep breaths, causing my breathing to go back to its normal pace. "Well done." He smiled softly at me. "Now, I know that this place seems scary, but if you just ignore all the people and the music, then it's just a normal regular house." He whispered. I gave him a small nod, lightly looking up at him. "Good, now let's fade them, and the loud music, away. Together." He smiled a little. "Grab my hand, focus only on my eyes and then we're gonna count till ten." I slowly reached out for his hand and he gently hold mine in his while he looked me deep in the eyes. "One, two, three-" We kept on counting. I focused on his calm voice and soon my head felt less crowded, same goes for the crowd around me.


"Are they gone?" I smiled a little and nodded. He pulled my hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss on the back of it when Corbyn appeared in front of me with Zach and Jack standing behind him. Zach handed Corbyn a glass of water and Jack gave him my medicines. They backed away slightly while Corbyn handed it all to me. Jonah started to gently stroke my back as I took my medicines and Corbyn sent me a soft smile.

"W-where's D-Daniel?" I asked the two of them and they pointed behind Zach and Jack. They moved away and I saw Daniel talking to Kenzie and Caleb.

I'm done with them for the night.

Jonah helped me up and Corbyn grabbed my stuff as we headed over to the three of them.

"Let's go." Corbyn told Daniel. He nodded and pulled me in a hug before glaring at Kenzie and Caleb, like the other four were doing.

"Guys, stop it." I pulled both Daniel and Jonah's arm, causing them to sigh.

"Outside, now." Corbyn told us all sternly, even tho it was mostly for me, Kenzie and Caleb. The two of them walked in front of us as both Jonah and Corbyn stayed by my side, keeping me away from the noisy people, with the other three boys trailing behind us.

I started to shiver a little when the cold night breeze hit me. I hugged my arms and looked at the boys for the next step.

Corbyn was obviously angry, but his face softened when he saw me shivering. He sighed.

"Zach, Jack, bring Skyler to the car." Corbyn sternly told the two. "Daniel, Jonah and I need to have a word with these two." He crossed his arms while he referred to Kenzie and Caleb. I sighed, knowing there's nothing I can do when Corbyn is like this and followed Zach and Jack to the car which was luckily nearby without trying to argue.

Corbyn's pov

I watched as Sky, Zach and Jack got in the car, making sure everything was alright before glaring at the two promise-breakers that Skyler calls 'friends'.

"So Kenzie and Caleb, what do you have to say for yourselves?" I asked pissed off by the situation they got Skyler in.

Kenzie nervously played with her fingers as Caleb watched her doing so and sighed.

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