Steve and Soda

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Steve Randle leaned against the bricks of the school building. No one wanted to talk to him, especially the girls. Steve looked over at Sodapop Curtis, who was attracting girls like honey draws flies, and let out a sigh. He'd never be like Soda, he could make anyone smile and was always happy-go-lucky. Steve stared down at his black converse, feeling hate bubble up in his stomach. "Hey Steve." Steve looked up to see Soda standing there, hands in his pockets. "Hey, what's wrong?" Soda asked and put his arm around Steve, trying to make him feel better. Steve shook Soda's arm off of him. "Nothin' don't worry about it Fizzy Cola," Steve said and started to walk away, "it's not like you care." Soda just sat there, dumbstruck. Then the teacher called that it was time for gym.

Soda and Steve stood on opposite ends of the court, their chosen teams behind them. Coach McIntyre blew the whistle and the two teams scrambled to pick up the brightly colored dodge balls and throw them at each other. Eventually, both teams were eliminated and it was just Soda against Steve. Steve picked up another ball and hurled it towards Soda's stomach. "C'mon man!" Soda yelled after he dodged the ball. Steve picked up another one and threw it at him. Again Soda moved out of the way just in time. "What did I do?" Soda squealed as he ducked away from the ball that whizzed past his head. Coach McIntyre blew the whistle and the boys went in the locker room to change. After Soda got dressed, he walked over to Steve, who was getting his book bag out of his locker while everyone talked around him. "Hey." Steve whipped around. "You don't know when to stop do ya?" Soda shrugged. "I just don't want ya to be left out." Steve slammed his locker shut. "It's a little late for that ain't it?" As Steve stormed out of the gym and over to where they were going to be picked up Soda trailed him. "Steve wait!" Steve turned around. "Just leave me alone." "Why?" "No one wants to be around me." There was a honk that interrupted the boys' conversation. "That's my ride." Soda said, turning around to go to his mom's Ford. Steve kicked a rock in the dirt and stuffed his hands in his leather jackets pockets. "Ain't ya coming?" Steve turned around to see Soda still standing there. Steve grinned and threw his arm over Soda's shoulders. "Ya dig okay Curtis. Ya dig okay." Soda smiled and both boys climbed into Mrs. Curtis' Ford. Steve glanced over at Soda, who smiled and went back to talking with his mom. Steve smiled to himself and glanced out at the passing buildings. Finally someone had given him a chance and his name was Sodapop Curtis.

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