Chapter Two

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"Roxy, why did you-"

"Chill, Gabs. Just went for some Doritos."



"I'm sorry, Will, but I'm hungry and this quarantine is annoying cause of Bill and (Y/N) won't give me a mangonada. And I'm in love with them."

"I though you were in love with Will, you snake."

"I'm not in love with anything, Bill. Where's (Y/N)?"


"She's baking herself some cookies."

"What do you mean you're not in love with anything, my brother is literally sitting on your lap right now and you won't stop muttering that you think he's so cute."

"I think he's adorable."

"I leave for like two minutes and you two are already bickering and on the verge of killing each other."

"Sorry, (Y/N), okay, so the party,"
It was really busy, lots of people dancing and walking around.
Couples danced to the music and the ones who didn't talked to others.
You weren't sure why you were still here instead of working.
"Miss (L/N), these are amazing!"
Oh.. Yeah.. You were serving some of your pastries at the party.
A whimper cut you off from answering, making you glance down to see Waddles, Mabel's pig, trying to take an Oreo.
"Wad-.." you paused, turning to the person that complimented you Oreos, "Excuse me, sorry," before turning back to the pig.
"Waddles, no.."
The pink tinted pig simply gave you puppy dog eyes, staring up and letting out a small squeal.
To any human, they'd just hear the sound a pig makes.
But you could perfectly understand all animals, being a demon and all.
"Pwease." He said, eyes wide and pig lips out in a pout.
"Aw.. fine, just one." You whispered, giving him one before turning away.
"But Miss Mabel, you said later two hours ago!" A familiar voice pleaded, and you immediately sighed.
Here we go again.
You glanced up and immediately took in Gideon's costume.
He had on a jester costume, and if you were completely honest he looked adorable. The wide eyes and desperate look on his face simply made him look cuter.
You seriously didn't understand why Mabel didn't just dance with him to at least get him to leave.
"Gideon, when a lady says later, they mean not ever. Why don't you go look for someone else, I'm sure that there are plenty of young ladies that would love for you to dance them into a stupor!" Mabel retorted, making Gideon frown.
Yeesh. Must be pretty tough.
Said boy sighed and walked away, and out of sight.
"Give me those napkins!" Mabel screeched, grabbing a pile and wiping her forehead.
"Why? What's wrong?" You asked, watching her swipe under her hair.
She began to fix her poofy dress and to comb at her hair, taking off the tiara in the process.
"I'm so sweaty!" She screeched again, hiding behind you, "Oh, (Y/N), what if the prince doesn't come?"
"I'm sure he will," you began to console the girl, "There's still a couple of people he-"
"I never get what I want!" She cried out, cutting you off, before stomping into the shack with tears in her eyes.
You simply sighed, rolling your own eyes, and following after her, about to open the door when you see a small tiara clip on the floor.
With another sigh, you pick it up and clean it with the front of your cloak.
You had decided to be Red Riding Hood, deciding it would be the easiest thing you could pull off considering all you bought was a red cloak.
"Mabel.." You began, walking into the shack to find Mabel standing by the window and muttering to herself.
"Maybe I just have to wish harder?" She whispered to herself before looking up and seeing a star, immediately beginning to repeatedly whisper "please," and making you sigh.
"You can't just-"
"Please, please, please."
"Wish upon a star and hope it-"
"Ladies and Gentlemen,"
You paused in surprise and so did Mabel, both of you scrambling to get outside as soon as you heard Soos speaking.
There were still many people standing around and chatting, but there was a spotlight aimed at a male standing at the entrance.
"Prince Cipher, my dudes," Soos exclaimed, and you immediately saw Mabel perk up in excitement before wiping away her tears and fixing her makeup.
Oh god.. no.
The brunette girl quickly speed walked closer to him and he gripped her waist while she wrapped her arms around his neck.
And they began to dance.
The music was slow and romantic, many people watching the two and swaying to the music, like yourself.
You didn't notice but what seemed to be a horse costume was next to you, swaying as well.
"Evening, (Y/N)!"
You jumped in surprise and turned to the man, realizing it was Durland.
And slowly, the back end of the horse moved on its own towards you.
What the fuck..
Durland was the head of the horse and Blubs was the back end of the horse.
"Evening Mr. Durland. And.. Mr.Blubs."
"Lovely party, huh?" Durland asked, just as you lifted up a plate of fries Oreos to them.
"Oh, these are marvelous!" Blubs exclaimed, biting into a pastry.
"Going to be the house specialty once I sigh the papers you two brought." You exclaimed, smiling at the two who gave each other a knowing look.
"Yes, about.. that." Durland began, unsure of how to break it to you.
"You were outbid." Blubs said without hesitation, shoving Oreo after Oreo in his pockets and plate.
"What?" You whispered, staring at them both in disbelief.
"Well, a fella came in with the full amount in cash. Unless you can top his offer by next Wednesday.." Durland trailed off, and Blubs finished for him.
"You can kiss that place goodbye,"
You were beyond pissed, you could feel yourself losing your cool and you were sure your true form was about to shed this human body so that you can hurt somebody.
Calm down, (Y/N), you can fix this.. Don't get all mad..
"But.. you know how long it took me to save up for that place!" You exclaimed, glaring at both of them.
"Exactly!" Blubs began, "Which is a why a woman with your.. looks, shouldn't be running such a business like that!"
What.. the.. fuck..
You felt your anger slowly turn to insecurity, your eyes going down to your body as you glared at your round self.
"Love your Oreos though!" Durland exclaimed, just as the two began to walk away.
"W-.. Wait!" You exclaimed, running closer and gripping the tail.
The tail was loose and you didn't feel it until you fell on your bum and hit the table with your head.
A couple of Oreos fell on you as well as the powdered donuts, leaving you covered in food.
You could feel people staring and you were quite sure someone was going to point at you and begin laughing, just like when you first arrived in this god forsaken town.
"(Y/N), time to seize the prince with those man catching Oreos of.." Mabel trailed off as she saw you on the ground, tears forming in your eyes and covered in sugary things.
"What happened?" She whispered to you, helping you get up.
"I.." You began and immediately felt tears rolling down your cheeks.
"Oh, don't speak.. Prince Cipher! We'll be right back!" She exclaimed to the prince from across the room before turning back to you, "I've got the perfect dress for you!"
"Well this is depressing."

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