Tipsy's secret. Part 6.

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Page 13: April 10 1999.

I didn't see Tesla or hear him. I'm growing more and more worried. I hope nothing bad has happen to him.

Overtime I feel like to the point of giving up my hope. I might as well get hurt every day. Again... this was a bad idea. And I hate this idea so much. One of the men came in and brought me the pot again. But instead of going back he insisted on staying in my cell. I didn't pay much attention to him so I did my own thing.

He was watching me for 45 minutes strait. What did this creep want. I decided to look at him and I pointed at the door for him to leave. I didn't want to talk to someone who is watching my every step. He walked up to me with the pot on his right hand. What is this guy gonna do? Hit me over the head with it?

He set the pot near me and sat beside me. I did the same thing like last time. Stare at the pot. Is this what those people want?! If so then enjoy watching paint dry. The man was just... looking at me. I paid no attention to him. I noticed a little sprout in the pot and I thought that was my doing. It was not. Soon the man grew bored and he just slapped me for no reason. He left the room and didn't bother with the pot. He just left it there.

I continued to stare at the pot until I paid my attention back to just doing my own thing. The man came back in and he was holding... some kind of rope... I didn't know what it was... Instead of strangling me with it he hit me with it... it made a whip sound. After that it gave me a mark on my head. I cried and curled up in a ball. Soon the man left me alone and walked out. I hummed to myself quietly. When I opened my eyes I saw the pot. It was a flower now. I crawled to it and hummed again. It grew a bit taller. Did I learn how to use my power? That gave me an idea. I remembered the vent that was high up. I put the flower near the wall where the vent is and I began to hum. It grew and grew and grew. I stopped when I ran out of breath. I looked up and I saw that the flower is tall enough. I test to see if it could hold me. And it did. I began to climb the flower. Up and up I went. Soon I was at the vent. I tried to pull it open but it didn't work. I wanted to climb down the flower but the top was so soft. I fell asleep on top of a flower.

 I fell asleep on top of a flower

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Page 14: April 11 1999.

I woke up to tons upon tons of talking. I looked down and I see people everywhere. They where looking at the flower. 

"Did it do it? How did this flower become so... tall?"

I tried to keep silent. I looked everywhere and I saw that the door is not closed. Soon two men climbed the flower. I felt scared. I did the only thing that came in mind... I just stayed on the top of this flower. Soon the men where at the top and they saw me. One of them kindly carried me down. I didn't want to with him but he tried to calm me down on the way down. I felt tired and I slept on the grasp of his arms. For some reason I liked this person. It would always be pain and no mercy but... he was very kind. When we where at the bottom he set me down on my bed. I woke up from the people arguing.

"He needs time to rest. You all just abuse him and you don't share kindness towards them."

"Oh shut up you ****ing hippy!"

I heard that word. I didn't know what it meant. And I didn't know why they are fighting each other. Someday I'll have to ask Tesla what **** is.

"Can't you see your abusing him almost every day!? He doesn't deserve it!"

"1904 is a mistake! I don't know why the boss made him but don't got showing it kindness! It's a failed experiment!"

"The only failed experiment is from your mother! We're suppose to test them! Not abuse them! If they aren't ready to do a task that involves around there life and there purpose then you can just suck an egg!"

I thought for sure they where going to hurt him like they did to me... but they didn't lay a finger on him. The man turned to me and petted my head. Those other men walked out of the cell. Soon every single one of them left. The one who was so kind to me was the last to leave. He was heading to the door and I ran to grab him. He turned to face me and smiled. I didn't want to ever let go of him. He put me down on the ground and patted me again. Then he left. I was alone again... so I walked to my bed without giving a damn. I should really stop saying damn or Tesla's going to be mad at me.

I was just doing my own thing yet again until that man came in my cell. It was the same one who was kind.  He gave me some food and I ate it. I still didn't want to talk so I hugged him. He giggled and he hugged me back. Now i'm having second thoughts about leaving this place. Even tho I will get hurt. He pulled away from the hug and walked away. I felt sad again. But then he came back with a leash. I felt worried about the leash after what had happened to me a while back. He insured me that he wasn't going to do anything dirty to me after I wear it. I walked up to him slowly and I let him put it on. He then tugged on it lightly and walked out. I followed him. He closed the door and I was in the hallway of this testing facility. I stopped to the cell next to me. The man looked at me confused and I pointed at Tesla's cell. He opened it and I saw Tesla. I ran to him and the man had to follow. Tesla was sitting on his bed. I looked at him but he didn't seem to notice.

"T... Tesla?"


He looked at me and he hugged me. I could tell he was sobbing as well. I hugged back and smiled. The man smiled and was giggling. Tesla wiped his tears away and saw that I had a collar on. He then looked at the man and he gave him a warning to leave with lighting forming one his hands. I told Tesla that the man was friendly  and he was still concerned. I hummed a little tune and he calm down fully. I smiled at Tesla.

"Hey Tesla?"

"Ya Tippy?"

"What is ****?"

He was wide eyed and he was mad at me. He had a cloud above his head in frustration.

"Who thought you that word!?"

"It was from one of those men..."

Tesla told me to never say a word like that again. I turned to see the man with... something strange in his hands... I heard a snap click and I started to look around for that sound and where it came from. I asked Tesla what it was and he said it came from the man. The man just looked at us now.


Tesla told me that it's called a phone. People can do all kinds of things with it. I asked if it can make them fly and he said no. I was thankful for that. The man showed what he had just done. Tesla told me he had took a picture of us.

"You two are so cute together."

"Wh... whys that?"

"Are you two lovers?"

Tesla had the face that said 'WHAT!?' The man giggled. I walked up to the man while Tesla takes his time to remember how to operate.

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's just that you both are so cute together. Why not?"

"He's my caretaker."

"Oh is he now?"

"Yes. Tesla is my caretaker."

The man sighed and said oh. Tesla was turning red. I didn't know why tho... he finally snapped out of his daze and he looked at the man. Soon time passed and the man told me it's time for me to say goodbye to Tesla. I asked him why I can't be with my caretaker and he said it's just because so that those other men think you escaped. I nodded understandingly and I hugged Tesla. I said goodbye and I was ready to go now. Soon I was back in my cell. I didn't bother to sleep on the bed so I climbed up to the flower again and I went to sleep.

I woke up to some noises coming from Teslas room. It sounded like Love was in there as well. I tried to ignore the noise but I couldn't. They where making so much noise until 5 hours later they stopped. Finally! I went back to sleep afterwards hoping they don't start again. Someday I'll have to ask Tesla about what was going on in his cell.

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