The Beginning

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*beep beep*

The sound of Harry's alarm ringing early in the morning. He decided to wake up and get on with the day. He got ready for school and began his walk.

Once he got there he met up with his friends Niall and Zayn. They had been friends for a long time. They always had each others backs and knew everything about each other, well, almost everything.

"Hey lads" Harry called out from across the hall to the boys. "hey Harry!" Niall said with his usual smile stuck to his face. "hey mate" Zayn greeted with a pat on Harry's back as he walked to the group.

"Well, ready for another year of... Well..." Harry paused trying to find the right word to describe school.


He finished as the lads laughed. "so anything exciting happen over the summer?" Niall asked the group politely. "yeah I met someone... Yeah they're really nice..." Zayn said as a blush appeared on his face.

"Who's the lucky lady then mate?" Niall replied always wanting to know more. "thats for me to know and you to find out" Zayn said with a slight chuckle which Harry returned.

"Ugh fine. How bout you Harry? Do anything exciting?" Niall asked again. "nope. Stayed at home and enjoyed my freedom I guess" He said with a soft smile.

"Hey Styles! Sucking any dick recently?" Someone shouted as the soccer team walked past.


Harry and Nick dated secretly back in the day. Nick was trying to figure himself out and pretty much used Harry to do it. After that Nick realised he didn't like boys and that it was stupid. And ever since he has found it in him to give Harry a hard time.

"No Nick." Is all Harry replied with. He saw out of the corner of his eyes the smirks on all the guys faces. Except one. One lad standing near the front. Harry noticed he must've been the captain because of the band wrapped around his upper arm. The lad didn't laugh. Didn't smile. Instead looked down at his feet.

Before a girl came up behind him and spun him around the kiss him rather sloppy. He pulled away quickly and looked over at Harry. He noticed the jaw line, the eyes, the lips, the long curly hair, how tall he was, how awkward he looked standing there in front of him.

"Hi babe." The lad answered after slightly pushing her away. "Babyyyyy I wonna go home and be naughty with youuuu" she whined cause the man to back away even further. Almost like he didn't like the idea.

"No. You know what Eleanor? Just back off ok? I don't want anything to do with you. You're always all over me. I need some air, yeah? Some space to fucking breathe." He added at her. Catching Harry's attention as his eyes watched how the man spoke.

"But Louis I love you" she replied. Gripping his shoulder tightly and doing the exact opposite of what Louis had asked. The rest of the team was long gone now and it was just the too standing in the middle of the hall fighting.

Harry didn't like seeing the behaviour. He thought the man- Louis, was very attractive and decided to try to help him out.

"Excuse me, he said no." Is all Harry said as the woman started to losen her grip. "Um, and who are you?" The girl snapped back catching Harry off guard. "My name's Ha-" he was again snapped back at by the girl. "You know that was a joke right? I don't actually care who you are."

Harry felt hurt. Disappointment. Shame. It made him want to run as far away from the girl as he could. Until...

"No he's right. I said no. Leave Eleanor." Louis spoke up. The girl shot him a look before leaving the two alone.

Harry stepped forward to talk to Louis. But sadly his clumsiness got the best of him. He tripped over his own feet yet again. Pushing Louis into the locked behind him in the process. "Oops..." Harry spoke, their chests pressed against each other's. "hi.." Louis said in a soft voice. Harry cooed at the sight.

Harry stepped back after a while and began to speak again  "I'm sorry for getting in your business. I just wanted to help." Harry said breaking the silence. "No no it's fine. I don't think I'd have been able to handle that without you. So yeah, thanks." Louis said with a smile. "I'm Louis" he said with his hand out. "I'm harry."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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